
MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo class

Represents the mapi calendar time zone rule

The MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo type exposes the following members:


MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo()Initializes a new instance of the MapiCalendarTimeZoneInfo class.


time_zone_flagsGets or sets individual bit flags that specify information about this TimeZoneRule
yearGets or sets the year in which this rule is scheduled to take effect.
biasGets or sets the time zone’s offset in minutes from UTC.
standard_biasGets or sets the offset in minutes from lBias during standard time.
daylight_biasGets or sets offset in minutes from lBias during daylight saving time.
standard_dateGets or sets the date and local time that indicate when to begin using the StandardBias.
daylight_dateGets or sets the date and local time that indicate when to begin using the DaylightBias.

See Also