
MapiElectronicAddress class

Refers to the group of properties that
define the e-mail address or fax address.

The MapiElectronicAddress type exposes the following members:


MapiElectronicAddress()Initializes a new instance of the MapiElectronicAddress class.
MapiElectronicAddress(display_name, address_type, email_address)Initializes a new instance of the MapiElectronicAddress class
MapiElectronicAddress(email_address)Initializes a new instance of the MapiElectronicAddress class
MapiElectronicAddress(fax_number, email_address)Initializes a new instance of the MapiElectronicAddress class


is_emptyShows if MapiElectronicAddress is empty
display_nameGets or sets the user-readable
display name for the e-mail address.
original_display_nameGets or sets the SMTP e-mail address that
corresponds to the e-mail address .
address_typeGets or sets the address type
of an electronic address.
email_addressGets or sets the e-mail address.
fax_numberGets or sets the telephone number
of the mail user’s primary fax machine.

See Also