Aspose::Font::Type1::Type1Encoding class

Type1Encoding class

Represents Type1Font encoding.

class Type1Encoding : public Aspose::Font::IFontEncoding,
                      public Aspose::Font::ISupportsNameAddressing


DecodeToGid(uint32_t) overrideDecodes Gid to unicode. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance of (GlyphStringId) class. TTF’s id is an int index, instance of (GlyphUInt32Id) class.
DecodeToGidParameterized(System::SharedPtr<IEncodingParameters>, uint32_t) overrideParameterized decode method. Not supported for Type1Font type.
Encode(uint32_t, uint32_t) overrideEncodes the glyph. For TTF Fonts the character code is unicode. Not supported for Type1Font types.
GetNameToCharCodeIndex() overrideReturns name to character code encoding map. Note: Character code is not a unicode. Character code is a char index in Font encoding “table”.
GidToUnicode(System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Font::Glyphs::GlyphId>) overrideDecodes Gid to Unicode. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance of (GlyphStringId) class. TTF’s id is an int index, instance of (GlyphUInt32Id) class.
UnicodeToGid(uint32_t) overrideReturns GlyphId for unicode. Or notdef if font doesn’t contain glyph for the unicode. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph, which is font type dependent. For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance of (GlyphStringId) class. TTF’s id is an int index, instance of (GlyphUInt32Id) class.

See Also