System::Net::HttpStatusCode enum
]HttpStatusCode enum
enum class HttpStatusCode
Name | Value | Description |
Continue | 100 | The ‘Continue’ status code that equals to HTTP status 100. |
SwitchingProtocols | 101 | The ‘Switching Protocol’ status code that equals to HTTP status 101. |
OK | 200 | The ‘OK’ status code that equals to HTTP status 200. |
Created | 201 | The ‘Created’ status code that equals to HTTP status 201. |
Accepted | 202 | The ‘Accepted’ status code that equals to HTTP status 202. |
NonAuthoritativeInformation | 203 | The ‘Non-Authoritative Information’ status code that equals to HTTP status 203. |
NoContent | 204 | The ‘No Content’ status code that equals to HTTP status 204. |
ResetContent | 205 | The ‘Reset Content’ status code that equals to HTTP status 205. |
PartialContent | 206 | The ‘Partial Content’ status code that equals to HTTP status 206. |
MultipleChoices | 300 | The ‘Multiple Choice’ status code that equals to HTTP status 300. |
Ambiguous | 300 | The ‘Ambiguous’ status code that equals to HTTP status 300. |
MovedPermanently | 301 | The ‘Moved Permanently’ status code that equals to HTTP status 301. |
Moved | 301 | The ‘Moved’ status code that equals to HTTP status 301. |
Found | 302 | The ‘Found’ status code that equals to HTTP status 302. |
Redirect | 302 | The ‘Redirect’ status code that equals to HTTP status 302. |
SeeOther | 303 | The ‘See Other’ status code that equals to HTTP status 303. |
RedirectMethod | 303 | The ‘Redirect’ status code that equals to HTTP status 303. |
NotModified | 304 | The ‘Not Modified’ status code that equals to HTTP status 304. |
UseProxy | 305 | The ‘Use Proxy’ status code that equals to HTTP status 305. |
Unused | 306 | The ‘Switch Proxy’ status code that equals to HTTP status 306. |
TemporaryRedirect | 307 | The ‘Temporary Redirect’ status code that equals to HTTP status 307. |
RedirectKeepVerb | 307 | The ‘Redirect Keep Verb’ status code that equals to HTTP status 307. |
PermanentRedirect | 308 | The ‘Permanent Redirect’ status code that equals to HTTP status 308. |
BadRequest | 400 | The ‘Bad Request’ status code that equals to HTTP status 400. |
Unauthorized | 401 | The ‘Unauthorized’ status code that equals to HTTP status 401. |
PaymentRequired | 402 | The ‘Payment Required’ status code that equals to HTTP status 402. |
Forbidden | 403 | The ‘Forbidden’ status code that equals to HTTP status 403. |
NotFound | 404 | The ‘Not Found’ status code that equals to HTTP status 404. |
MethodNotAllowed | 405 | The ‘Method Not Allowed’ status code that equals to HTTP status 405. |
NotAcceptable | 406 | The ‘Not Acceptable’ status code that equals to HTTP status 406. |
ProxyAuthenticationRequired | 407 | The ‘Proxy Authentication Required’ status code that equals to HTTP status 407. |
RequestTimeout | 408 | The ‘Request Timeout’ status code that equals to HTTP status 408. |
Conflict | 409 | The ‘Conflict’ status code that equals to HTTP status 409. |
Gone | 410 | The ‘Gone’ status code that equals to HTTP status 410. |
LengthRequired | 411 | The ‘Length Required’ status code that equals to HTTP status 411. |
PreconditionFailed | 412 | The ‘Precondition Failed’ status code that equals to HTTP status 412. |
RequestEntityTooLarge | 413 | The ‘Request Entity Too Large’ status code that equals to HTTP status 413. |
RequestUriTooLong | 414 | The ‘Request-URI Too Long’ status code that equals to HTTP status 414. |
UnsupportedMediaType | 415 | The ‘Unsupported Media Type’ status code that equals to HTTP status 415. |
RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable | 416 | The ‘Requested Range Not Satisfiable’ status code that equals to HTTP status 416. |
ExpectationFailed | 417 | The ‘Expectation Failed’ status code that equals to HTTP status 417. |
UpgradeRequired | 426 | The ‘Upgrade Required’ status code that equals to HTTP status 426. |
InternalServerError | 500 | The ‘Internal Server Error’ status code that equals to HTTP status 500. |
NotImplemented | 501 | The ‘Not Implemented’ status code that equals to HTTP status 501. |
BadGateway | 502 | The ‘Bad Gateway’ status code that equals to HTTP status 502. |
ServiceUnavailable | 503 | The ‘Service Unavailable’ status code that equals to HTTP status 503. |
GatewayTimeout | 504 | The ‘Gateway Timeout’ status code that equals to HTTP status 504. |
HttpVersionNotSupported | 505 | The ‘HTTP Version Not Supported’ status code that equals to HTTP status 505. |
See Also
- Namespace System::Net
- Library Aspose.Font for C++