Aspose.Font for .NET


Aspose.FontThe Aspose.Font namespace provides classes describing common Aspose.Font objects.
Aspose.Font.CffThe Aspose.Font.Cff namespace provides classes describing objects related to CFF Font format.
Aspose.Font.CffExceptionsThe Aspose.Font.CffExceptions namespace provides classes describing exceptions related to Compact Font Format.
Aspose.Font.ExceptionsThe Aspose.Font.Exceptions namespace provides classes describing exceptions used in Aspose.Font.
Aspose.Font.FactoriesThe Aspose.Font.Factories namespace provides a family of classes used to create objects of various types.
Aspose.Font.GlyphsThe Aspose.Font.Glyphs namespace provides classes describing glyph objects.
Aspose.Font.RenderersThe Aspose.Font.Renderers namespace provides classes used in rendering subsystem in Aspose.Font.
Aspose.Font.RenderingThe Aspose.Font.Rendering namespace provides classes describing rendering objects used in Aspose.Font.
Aspose.Font.RenderingPathThe Aspose.Font.RenderingPath namespace provides classes describing graphical paths objects used in Aspose.Font.
Aspose.Font.SourcesThe Aspose.Font.Sources namespace provides functionality to access Font data from different sources(files, memory streams, etc).
Aspose.Font.TextUtilsThe Aspose.Font.TextUtils namespace provides classes and interfaces for text processing.
Aspose.Font.TtfThe Aspose.Font.Ttf namespace provides classes describing objects related to TTF Font format.
Aspose.Font.TtfCMapFormatsThe Aspose.Font.TtfCMapFormats namespace provides classes for work with different formats of CMap subtables.
Aspose.Font.TtfCommonThe Aspose.Font.TtfCommon namespace provides classes which are common for TrueType format area
Aspose.Font.TtfHelpersThe Aspose.Font.TtfHelpers namespace provides classes and interfaces for work with expanded functionality on TTF font objects
Aspose.Font.TtfTablesThe Aspose.Font.TtfTables namespace provides classes for work with different tables of TrueType format.
Aspose.Font.Type1The Aspose.Font.Type1 namespace provides classes describing objects related to Type1 Font format.
Aspose.Font.WoffExceptionsThe Aspose.Font.WoffExceptions namespace provides exceptions classes related to WOFF Font format.