
The Aspose.Font.TtfTables namespace provides classes for work with different tables of TrueType format.


TtfCffTableRepresents “cff” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfCMapTableRepresents “cmap” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfCvtTableRepresents Control Value Table (CVT) of the TTF Font file.
TtfFpgmTableRepresents “fpgm” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfGaspTableRepresents “gasp” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfGlyfTableRepresents “glyf” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfHeadTableRepresents “head” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfHheaTableRepresents “hhea” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfHmtxTableRepresents “hmtx” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfLocaTableRepresents “loca” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfLtshTableRepresents Linear Threshold table of the TTF Font file.
TtfMaxpTableRepresents “maxp” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfNameTableRepresents “name” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfOs2TableRepresents “OS/2” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfPostTableRepresents “post” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfPrepTableRepresents “prep” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfStatTableRepresents Style Attributes Table(STAT) of the OpenType font.
TtfTableBaseRepresents TTF table definition.
TtfTableRepositoryRepresents repository of TTF tables.
TtfVheaTableRepresents “vhea” table of the TTF Font file.
TtfVmtxTableRepresents “vmtx” table of the TTF Font file.