Class ShapefileDriver

ShapefileDriver class

A driver for the Shapefile format.

public class ShapefileDriver : FileDriver


override CanCreateDatasets { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create datasets.
override CanCreateLayers { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this driver can create vector layers.
virtual CanOpenDatasets { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open datasets.
override CanOpenLayers { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this driver can open vector layers.


CreateDataset(AbstractPath)Creates a dataset.
CreateDataset(string)Creates a dataset.
virtual CreateDataset(AbstractPath, DriverOptions)Creates a dataset.
CreateDataset(string, DriverOptions)Creates a dataset.
CreateLayer(AbstractPath)Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
CreateLayer(string)Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
CreateLayer(AbstractPath, DriverOptions)Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
CreateLayer(AbstractPath, ShapefileOptions)Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features.
CreateLayer(AbstractPath, SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
CreateLayer(string, DriverOptions)Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
CreateLayer(string, ShapefileOptions)Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features.
CreateLayer(string, SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
override CreateLayer(AbstractPath, DriverOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features.
CreateLayer(AbstractPath, ShapefileOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates a layer and opens it for adding new features.
CreateLayer(string, DriverOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
virtual EditLayer(AbstractPath, DriverOptions)Opens a layer for editing.
EditLayer(string, DriverOptions)Opens a layer for editing.
OpenDataset(AbstractPath)Opens the dataset.
OpenDataset(string)Opens the dataset.
virtual OpenDataset(AbstractPath, DriverOptions)Opens the dataset.
OpenDataset(string, DriverOptions)Opens the dataset.
OpenLayer(AbstractPath)Opens the layer for reading.
OpenLayer(string)Opens the layer for reading.
override OpenLayer(AbstractPath, DriverOptions)Opens a layer for reading.
OpenLayer(AbstractPath, ShapefileOptions)Opens a layer for reading.
OpenLayer(string, DriverOptions)Opens the layer for reading.
OpenLayer(string, ShapefileOptions)Opens a layer for reading.
override SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem(SpatialReferenceSystem)Determines, whether specified spatial reference system is supported by the driver.

See Also