Enum GeometryType

GeometryType enumeration

The type of a geometry in a layer.

public enum GeometryType


Null0The geometry type is not set.
Mixed1The geometry type is mixed.
Point2The geometry is an IPoint.
LineString3The geometry is an ILineString.
LinearRing4The geometry is an ILinearRing.
CircularString5The geometry is an ICircularString.
CompoundCurve6The geometry is an ICompoundCurve.
CurvePolygon7The geometry is an ICurvePolygon.
Polygon8The geometry is an IPolygon.
MultiPoint9The geometry is an IMultiPoint.
MultiCurve10The geometry is an IMultiCurve.
MultiLineString11The geometry is an IMultiLineString.
MultiSurface12The geometry is an IMultiSurface.
MultiPolygon13The geometry is an IMultiPolygon.
GeometryCollection14The geometry is an IGeometryCollection.

See Also