Class JoinOptions

JoinOptions class

Options for layers joining.

public class JoinOptions


JoinOptions()Create a new instance.


ConditionComparer { get; set; }Defines the way the features of two layers are related in a query by specifying a logic to be used in comparing values from the features.
JoinAttributeName { get; set; }Specifies an attribute name of the joined layer which value will be used into ConditionComparer.
JoinAttributeNames { get; set; }Specifies a list of attribute names to be joined. If it is null or empty, all attributes of the joined layer will be joined.
JoinedAttributesPrefix { get; set; }Specifies a prefix string for the joined attribute’s names. Default is “joined_”.
TargetAttributeName { get; set; }Specifies an attribute name of the main layer which value will be used into ConditionComparer.

See Also