Class SpatialReferenceSystem
]SpatialReferenceSystem class
Spatial reference system maps coordinates to places on Earth. There are different types of SRS, see Type
. What’s more, if type of SRS is Geographic or Projected, SRS can be compound or single, see IsCompound
public abstract class SpatialReferenceSystem : IdentifiableObject
Name | Description |
virtual AsCompound { get; } | Returns this SRS converted to CompoundSpatialReferenceSystem . Use IsCompound to find out if conversion is possible. |
virtual AsGeocentric { get; } | Returns this SRS converted to GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystem . Use Type to find out if conversion is possible. |
virtual AsGeographic { get; } | Returns this SRS converted to GeographicSpatialReferenceSystem . Use Type to find out if conversion is possible. |
virtual AsLocal { get; } | Returns this SRS converted to LocalSpatialReferenceSystem . Use Type to find out if conversion is possible. |
virtual AsProjected { get; } | Returns this SRS converted to ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystem . Use Type to find out if conversion is possible. |
virtual AsVertical { get; } | Returns this SRS converted to VerticalSpatialReferenceSystem . Use Type to find out if conversion is possible. |
abstract DimensionsCount { get; } | Returns number of dimensions in this SRS. |
EpsgCode { get; } | If this objects identifier is EPSG identifier - return its code. Otherwise - return -1. |
abstract GeographicDatum { get; } | Returns geographic datum of this SRS. |
abstract HasGeographicDatum { get; } | Determines whether this SRS has geographic datum. This is true for every geographic, projected and geocentric SRS. |
abstract HasPrimeMeridian { get; } | Returns whether this SRS has prime meridian. This is true for every geographic, projected and geocentric SRS. |
Identifier { get; } | Identifier of this identifiable object. |
virtual IsCompound { get; } | Returns whether this SRS is compound (a union of two SRS). Following combinations of SRS in compound SRS are considered valid: Geographic SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be Geographic. Projected SRS + Vertical SRS, in this case type of compound SRS will be Projected. If combination of SRSs differs, type of compound SRS will be Unknown. |
IsSingle { get; } | Returns whether this SRS is single (not a union of two SRS). |
IsValid { get; } | Same as Validate , but don’t return error message. |
Name { get; } | Name of this object. |
abstract PrimeMeridian { get; } | Returns prime meridian of this SRS. |
abstract Type { get; } | Gets type of this SRS, see SpatialReferenceSystemType . |
static Etrs89 { get; } | ETRS 89 (EPSG:4258) spatial reference system. |
static Etrs89LambertAzimuthalEqualArea { get; } | ETRS 89 / ETRS Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:3035) spatial reference system. |
static Etrs89LambertConformalConic { get; } | ETRS 89 / Lambert Conformal Conic (EPSG:3034) spatial reference system. |
static Nad83 { get; } | NAD 83 (EPSG:4269) spatial reference system. |
static Osgb36 { get; } | OSGB 36 (EPSG:4277) spatial reference system. |
static Osgb36BritishNationalGrid { get; } | OSGB 36 / British National Grid (EPSG:27700) spatial reference system. |
static WebMercator { get; } | Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) spatial reference system. |
static Wgs72 { get; } | WGS 72 (EPSG:4322) spatial reference system. |
static Wgs84 { get; } | WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) spatial reference system. |
Name | Description |
static CreateFromEpsg(int) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. |
static CreateFromWkt(string) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. |
CreateTransformationTo(SpatialReferenceSystem) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem . |
ExportToWkt() | Returns representation of this SRS as WKT string. The result WKT string will match OGC 01-009 specification, usually named “WKT1”. |
abstract GetAxis(int) | Get Axis that describes dimension. |
abstract GetUnit(int) | Get Unit of dimension. |
virtual IsEquivalent(SpatialReferenceSystem) | Detects whether this SRS is equivalent to other SRS. . |
override ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. |
TryCreateTransformationTo(SpatialReferenceSystem, out SpatialReferenceSystemTransformation) | Creates transformation from this SpatialReferenceSystem to another SpatialReferenceSystem . |
abstract Validate(out string) | Determine if this SRS is valid. |
static CreateCompound(string, SpatialReferenceSystem, SpatialReferenceSystem, Identifier) | Create compound SRS. |
static CreateGeocentric(GeocentricSpatialReferenceSystemParameters, Identifier) | Create geocentric SRS from custom parameters. |
static CreateGeographic(GeographicSpatialReferenceSystemParameters, Identifier) | Create geographic SRS from custom parameters. |
static CreateLocal(string, LocalDatum, Unit, ICollection<Axis>, Identifier) | Create local SRS. |
static CreateProjected(ProjectedSpatialReferenceSystemParameters, Identifier) | Create projected SRS from custom parameters. |
static CreateVertical(string, VerticalDatum, Unit, Axis, Identifier) | Create vertical SRS. |
static IsEquivalent(SpatialReferenceSystem, SpatialReferenceSystem) | Determines if two SRS are equivalent. Same coordinates of equivalent SRS match same place on Earth. Some parameters of equivalent SRS can be different, for example Name . |
static TryCreateFromEpsg(int, out SpatialReferenceSystem) | Create a spatial reference system based the specified EPSG code. |
static TryCreateFromWkt(string, out SpatialReferenceSystem) | Creates a new SpatialReferenceSystem based on WKT (Well-Known Text) string. |
See Also
- class IdentifiableObject
- namespace Aspose.Gis.SpatialReferencing
- assembly Aspose.GIS