
SpatialReferenceSystem.Validate method

Determine if this SRS is valid.

public abstract bool Validate(out string errorMessage)
errorMessageString&If method return false, then this is description of invalidity.

Return Value

true if SRS is valid, false otherwise.


Valid SRS must have valid ellipsoid. - Geographic SRS must have exactly one East/West axis, exactly one North/South axis, and optional Up/Down axis (optional axis is present when geographic SRS is a compound of 2D geographic SRS and vertical SRS). - Projected SRS must have exactly one East/West axis, exactly one North/South axis, and optional Up/Down axis (optional axis is present when projected SRS is a compound of 2D geographic SRS and vertical SRS). - Geocentric SRS must have exactly one East/West axis, exactly one North/South axis and exactly one Other axis. - Vertical SRS must have exactly one Up/Down axis. - Local SRS must have at least one axis. Axises directions doesn’t meter. - Compound SRS must be a combination of a valid Geographic/Projected and a valid Vertical SRS.

See Also