Class Dataset

Dataset class

A dataset is the collection of VectorLayer instances.

public abstract class Dataset : IDisposable


virtual CanCreateLayers { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this dataset can create vector layers.
virtual CanRemoveLayers { get; }Gets a value indicating whether this dataset can remove vector layers.
abstract Driver { get; }Gets the Driver that instantiated this dataset.
abstract LayersCount { get; }Gets the number of layers in this dataset.


static Create(AbstractPath, FileDriver)Creates a dataset.
static Create(string, FileDriver)Creates a dataset.
static Create(AbstractPath, FileDriver, DriverOptions)Creates a dataset.
static Create(string, FileDriver, DriverOptions)Creates a dataset.
static Open(AbstractPath, FileDriver)Opens the dataset.
static Open(IDbConnection, DatabaseDriver)Opens the dataset.
static Open(string, FileDriver)Opens the dataset.
static Open(AbstractPath, FileDriver, DriverOptions)Opens the dataset.
static Open(string, FileDriver, DriverOptions)Opens the dataset.
virtual CreateLayer()Creates a new vector layer and opens it for appending.
virtual CreateLayer(SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates a new vector layer and opens it for appending.
virtual CreateLayer(DriverOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates a new vector layer and opens it for appending.
virtual CreateLayer(string, SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates a new vector layer with specified name and opens it for appending.
virtual CreateLayer(string, DriverOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem)Creates a new vector layer with specified name and opens it for appending.
Dispose()Releases the resources used by the Dataset.
abstract EditLayer(string, DriverOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem)Opens the layer with specified name for editing.
abstract GetLayerName(int)Gets the name of the layer at specified index.
abstract OpenLayer(string, DriverOptions)Opens the layer with specified name for reading.
abstract OpenLayerAt(int, DriverOptions)Opens the layer at specified index for reading.
virtual RemoveLayer(string)Removes the vector layer with specified name.
virtual RemoveLayerAt(int)Removes the vector layer at specified index.

See Also