Class Drivers
]Drivers class
Drivers for all supported formats.
public static class Drivers
Name | Description |
static Csv { get; } | A driver for the CSV format. |
static EsriAscii { get; } | A driver for the Esri AscII raster format. |
static EsriJson { get; } | A driver for the EsriJson format. |
static FileGdb { get; } | A driver for the ESRI File Geodatabase format. |
static GDAL { get; } | A driver for the GDAL format. |
static GeoJson { get; } | A driver for the GeoJSON format. |
static GeoJsonSeq { get; } | A driver for the GeoJsonSeq: sequence of GeoJSON features. |
static GeoTiff { get; } | A driver for the GeoTIFF or TIFF raster format. |
static Gml { get; } | A driver for the GML format. |
static Gpx { get; } | A driver for the GPX format. |
static InMemory { get; } | A driver for work with data in memory. |
static Kml { get; } | A driver for the KML format. |
static MapInfoInterchange { get; } | A driver for the MapInfo Interchange Format. |
static MapInfoTab { get; } | A driver for the MapInfo Tab format. |
static OsmXml { get; } | A driver for the OSM XML format. |
static PostGis { get; } | A driver for the PostGIS database. |
static Shapefile { get; } | A driver for the Shapefile format. |
static SqlServer { get; } | A driver for the SQL Server database. |
static TopoJson { get; } | A driver for the TopoJSON format. |
static XyzTiles { get; } | A driver for the tiled web map like OpenStreetMaps, Google Maps, etc. |
See Also
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS