Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
public VectorLayer CreateLayer(string path)
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | String | Path to the file. |
Return Value
An instance of VectorLayer
exception | condition |
ArgumentNullException | The path is null . |
GisException | Error writing the feature to the file. |
IOException | An I/O error occurred. |
NotSupportedException | Driver can not create vector layers (see CanCreateLayers ). |
See Also
- class VectorLayer
- class FileDriver
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS
Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
public VectorLayer CreateLayer(AbstractPath path)
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | AbstractPath | Path to the file. |
Return Value
An instance of VectorLayer
exception | condition |
ArgumentNullException | The path is null . |
GisException | Error writing the feature to the file. |
IOException | An I/O error occurred. |
NotSupportedException | Driver can not create vector layers (see CanCreateLayers ). |
See Also
- class VectorLayer
- class AbstractPath
- class FileDriver
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS
CreateLayer(string, DriverOptions)
Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
public VectorLayer CreateLayer(string path, DriverOptions options)
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | String | Path to the file. |
options | DriverOptions | Driver-specific options. |
Return Value
An instance of VectorLayer
exception | condition |
ArgumentNullException | The path is null . |
ArgumentException | Options object has an incorrect type for this driver. |
GisException | Error writing the feature to the file. |
IOException | An I/O error occurred. |
NotSupportedException | Driver can not create vector layers (see CanCreateLayers ). |
See Also
- class VectorLayer
- class DriverOptions
- class FileDriver
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS
CreateLayer(AbstractPath, DriverOptions)
Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
public VectorLayer CreateLayer(AbstractPath path, DriverOptions options)
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | AbstractPath | Path to the file. |
options | DriverOptions | Driver-specific options. |
Return Value
An instance of VectorLayer
exception | condition |
ArgumentNullException | The path is null . |
ArgumentException | Options object has an incorrect type for this driver. |
GisException | Error writing the feature to the file. |
IOException | An I/O error occurred. |
NotSupportedException | Driver can not create vector layers (see CanCreateLayers ). |
See Also
- class VectorLayer
- class AbstractPath
- class DriverOptions
- class FileDriver
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS
CreateLayer(string, SpatialReferenceSystem)
Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
public VectorLayer CreateLayer(string path, SpatialReferenceSystem spatialReferenceSystem)
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | String | Path to the file. |
spatialReferenceSystem | SpatialReferenceSystem | Spatial reference system. |
Return Value
An instance of VectorLayer
exception | condition |
ArgumentNullException | The path is null . |
GisException | Error writing the feature to the file. |
IOException | An I/O error occurred. |
NotSupportedException | Spatial reference system is not supported by the driver. Use SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem to check whether spatial reference system is supported. |
See Also
- class VectorLayer
- class SpatialReferenceSystem
- class FileDriver
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS
CreateLayer(AbstractPath, SpatialReferenceSystem)
Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
public VectorLayer CreateLayer(AbstractPath path, SpatialReferenceSystem spatialReferenceSystem)
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | AbstractPath | Path to the file. |
spatialReferenceSystem | SpatialReferenceSystem | Spatial reference system. |
Return Value
An instance of VectorLayer
exception | condition |
ArgumentNullException | The path is null . |
GisException | Error writing the feature to the file. |
IOException | An I/O error occurred. |
NotSupportedException | Spatial reference system is not supported by the driver. Use SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem to check whether spatial reference system is supported. |
See Also
- class VectorLayer
- class AbstractPath
- class SpatialReferenceSystem
- class FileDriver
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS
CreateLayer(string, DriverOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem)
Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
public VectorLayer CreateLayer(string path, DriverOptions options,
SpatialReferenceSystem spatialReferenceSystem)
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | String | Path to the file. |
options | DriverOptions | Driver-specific options. |
spatialReferenceSystem | SpatialReferenceSystem | Spatial reference system. |
Return Value
An instance of VectorLayer
exception | condition |
ArgumentNullException | The path is null . |
ArgumentException | Options object has an incorrect type for this driver. |
GisException | Error writing the feature to the file. |
IOException | An I/O error occurred. |
NotSupportedException | Spatial reference system is not supported by the driver. Use SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem to check whether spatial reference system is supported. |
NotSupportedException | Driver can not create vector layers (see CanCreateLayers ). |
See Also
- class VectorLayer
- class DriverOptions
- class SpatialReferenceSystem
- class FileDriver
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS
CreateLayer(AbstractPath, DriverOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem)
Creates the layer and opens it for appending.
public abstract VectorLayer CreateLayer(AbstractPath path, DriverOptions options,
SpatialReferenceSystem spatialReferenceSystem)
Parameter | Type | Description |
path | AbstractPath | Path to the file. |
options | DriverOptions | Driver-specific options. |
spatialReferenceSystem | SpatialReferenceSystem | Spatial reference system. |
Return Value
An instance of VectorLayer
exception | condition |
ArgumentNullException | The path is null . |
ArgumentException | Options object has an incorrect type for this driver. |
GisException | Error writing the feature to the file. |
IOException | An I/O error occurred. |
NotSupportedException | Spatial reference system is not supported by the driver. Use SupportsSpatialReferenceSystem to check whether spatial reference system is supported. |
NotSupportedException | Driver can not create vector layers (see CanCreateLayers ). |
See Also
- class VectorLayer
- class AbstractPath
- class DriverOptions
- class SpatialReferenceSystem
- class FileDriver
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS