Class VectorLayer
]VectorLayer class
Represents a vector layer. A vector layer is a collection of geographic features, stored in a file.
public abstract class VectorLayer : FeaturesSequence, IDisposable
Name | Description |
override Attributes { get; } | Gets the collection of custom attributes for features in this VectorLayer . |
virtual Count { get; } | Gets the number of features in this layer. |
abstract Driver { get; } | Gets the Driver that instantiated this layer. |
abstract GeometryType { get; } | Gets the type of the geometry for the layer. |
virtual Item { get; } | Gets the Feature at the specified index. |
abstract SpatialReferenceSystem { get; } | Gets spatial reference system of this features sequence. |
Name | Description |
static Create(AbstractPath, FileDriver) | Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. |
static Create(string, FileDriver) | Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. |
static Create(AbstractPath, FileDriver, DriverOptions) | Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. |
static Create(AbstractPath, FileDriver, SpatialReferenceSystem) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. |
static Create(string, FileDriver, DriverOptions) | Creates the layer and opens it for adding new features. |
static Create(string, FileDriver, SpatialReferenceSystem) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. |
static Create(AbstractPath, FileDriver, DriverOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. |
static Create(string, FileDriver, DriverOptions, SpatialReferenceSystem) | Creates the layer and opens it for appending. |
static Open(AbstractPath, FileDriver) | Open the layer for reading. |
static Open(string, FileDriver) | Open the layer for reading. |
static Open(AbstractPath, FileDriver, DriverOptions) | Open the layer for reading. |
static Open(string, FileDriver, DriverOptions) | Open the layer for reading. |
Add(Feature) | Adds a new feature to the layer, if supported by the VectorLayer ’s Driver . |
virtual Add(Feature, IFeatureStyle) | Adds a new feature with the specified style to the layer, if supported by the VectorLayer ’s Driver . |
AsInMemory() | Create a layer clon as the InMemory format. |
ConstructFeature() | Creates (but does not add to the layer) a new feature with attributes matching the collection of attributes of this layer. When done with setting data for the feature, use Add to add the feature to the layer. |
CopyAttributes(FeaturesSequence) | Copies attributes of other VectorLayer to this one. |
CopyAttributes(FeaturesSequence, IAttributesConverter) | Copies attributes of other VectorLayer to this one. |
Dispose() | Releases the resources used by the VectorLayer . |
override Equals(object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. |
abstract GetEnumerator() | Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. |
virtual GetExtent() | Gets a spatial extent of this layer. |
Join(VectorLayer, JoinOptions) | Joins a layer to the current layer. |
JoinByGeometry(VectorLayer, JoinByGeometryOptions) | Joins a layer to the current layer by geometry. |
NearestTo(IPoint) | Gets the nearest feature to the provided point. |
NearestTo(double, double) | Gets the nearest feature to the provided coordinate. |
virtual RemoveAt(int) | Remove the Feature at the specified index. |
virtual ReplaceAt(int, Feature) | Replace the Feature at the specified index. |
SaveTo(AbstractPath, FileDriver) | Saves features sequence to layer. |
SaveTo(string, FileDriver) | Saves features sequence to layer. |
SaveTo(AbstractPath, FileDriver, SavingOptions) | Saves features sequence to layer. |
SaveTo(string, FileDriver, SavingOptions) | Saves features sequence to layer. |
SplitTo() | Split features by geometry type. |
virtual UseAttributesIndex(AbstractPath, string, bool) | Loads attribute index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like WhereGreater . If index does not exist creates it first. Use forceRebuild to force index recreation. |
UseAttributesIndex(string, string, bool) | Loads attribute index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like WhereGreater . If index does not exist creates it first. Use forceRebuild to force index recreation. |
virtual UseSpatialIndex(AbstractPath, bool) | Loads spatial index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like WhereIntersects and NearestTo . If index does not exist creates it first. Use forceRebuild to force index recreation. |
UseSpatialIndex(string, bool) | Loads spatial index to speed up filtering by attributes value in filter methods like WhereIntersects and NearestTo . If index does not exist creates it first. Use forceRebuild to force index recreation. |
virtual WhereEqual<T>(string, T) | Selects features with attribute value equal to the provided value. |
virtual WhereGreater<T>(string, T) | Selects features with attribute value greater than the provided value. |
virtual WhereGreaterOrEqual<T>(string, T) | Selects features with attribute value greater or equal to the provided value. |
virtual WhereIntersects(Extent) | Filters features based on the extent. |
WhereIntersects(FeaturesSequence) | Filters features based on the union of all geometries in other features sequence. |
virtual WhereIntersects(IGeometry) | Filters features based on the provided geometry. |
virtual WhereNotEqual<T>(string, T) | Selects features with attribute value not equal to the provided value. |
virtual WhereNotNull(string) | Selects features with attribute not equal to null. |
virtual WhereNull(string) | Selects features with attribute equal to null. |
virtual WhereSet(string) | Selects features with attribute set. |
virtual WhereSmaller<T>(string, T) | Selects features with attribute value smaller than the provided value. |
virtual WhereSmallerOrEqual<T>(string, T) | Selects features with attribute value smaller or equal to the provided value. |
virtual WhereUnset(string) | Selects features where specified attribute is not set. |
static Convert(AbstractPath, FileDriver, AbstractPath, FileDriver) | Convert a layer to a different format. |
static Convert(string, FileDriver, string, FileDriver) | Convert a layer to a different format. |
static Convert(AbstractPath, FileDriver, AbstractPath, FileDriver, ConversionOptions) | Convert a layer to a different format. |
static Convert(string, FileDriver, string, FileDriver, ConversionOptions) | Convert a layer to a different format. |
See Also
- class FeaturesSequence
- namespace Aspose.Gis
- assembly Aspose.GIS