Aspose.HTML Product Family
Aspose.HTML for .NET
Aspose.HTML for .NET is a cross-platform class library that enables your applications to perform a wide range of HTML manipulation tasks. Since HTML is generally used in combination with other technologies, Aspose.HTML supports not only HTML5 but CSS3, SVG, and HTML Canvas specifications as well. Using Aspose.HTML, you can load web pages, analyze and edit the content, save and convert pages to-and-from the following formats: HTML, XHTML, MHTML, SVG, Markdown, PDF, XPS, EPUB, PNG, TIFF, JPEG, BMP and other formats.
These are links to some useful resources:
Aspose.HTML for Java
Aspose.HTML for Java is an advanced HTML manipulation API built to perform a wide range of HTML manipulation tasks directly within the Java applications. The API also provides a high fidelity rendering engine for fixed-layout formats such as PDF & XPS, and a number of raster image formats.
These are links to some useful resources:
Aspose.HTML for Python via .NET
Aspose.HTML for Python via .NET is an advanced HTML processing API to perform a wide range of management and manipulation tasks within cross-platform applications. API is designed to create, modify, extract data, convert and render HTML documents without any external software. Also, it supports popular file formats such as EPUB, MHTML, XML, SVG, and Markdown and rendering to PDF, DOCX, XPS and Image file formats. Moreover, the HTML Document Object Model is integrated with embedded formats and specifications such as CSS, HTML Canvas, SVG, XPath and JavaScript out-of-the-box that extend the manipulation functional and rendering quality.
These are links to some useful resources: