ICSSCounterStyleRule Interface

ICSSCounterStyleRule interface

The CSSCounterStyleRule interface represents an @counter-style at-rule that allows authors to define a custom counter style.

public interface ICSSCounterStyleRule : ICSSRule


CounterType { get; }The counter type property of the CSSCounterStyleRule interface gets the value of the counter type descriptor.
Fallback { get; }The fallback property of the CSSCounterStyleRule interface gets and sets the value of the fallback descriptor. If the descriptor does not have a value set, this attribute returns an empty string.
Glyphs { get; }The glyphs property of the CSSCounterStyleRule interface gets and sets the value of the symbols descriptor. If the descriptor does not have a value set, this attribute returns an empty string.
Name { get; }The name property of the CSSCounterStyleRule interface gets and sets the custom-ident defined as the name for the associated rule.
Prefix { get; }The prefix property of the CSSCounterStyleRule interface gets and sets the value of the prefix descriptor. If the descriptor does not have a value set, this attribute returns an empty string.
Suffix { get; }The suffix property of the CSSCounterStyleRule interface gets and sets the value of the suffix descriptor. If the descriptor does not have a value set, this attribute returns an empty string.

See Also