InputElementType enumeration
InputElementType enumeration
Represent states of the input field.
The InputElementType type exposes the following members:
Field | Description |
HIDDEN | A control that is not displayed. |
TEXT | A control that is a text-field. |
SEARCH | A control that is used for entering search strings. |
TELEPHONE | A control for entering a telephone number. |
URL | A field for entering a URL. |
A field for entering an email. | |
PASSWORD | A field for entering a password. |
DATE | A field for entering a date. |
MONTH | A field for entering a month. |
WEEK | A field for entering a week. |
TIME | A field for entering a time. |
LOCAL_DATE_TIME | A field for entering a local datetime. |
NUMBER | A field for entering a number. |
RANGE | A field for entering a number inside the range. |
COLOR | A field for entering a color. |
CHECKBOX | A field for entering a checkbox. |
RADIO | A field that allowing a single value to select. |
FILE | A field that allows to select and attach user files. |
SUBMIT | A button for submitting the form result. |
IMAGE | A graphical button for submitting the form result. |
RESET | A button for resetting the form data. |
BUTTON | A push button. |
See Also
- module