SelectElement class

SelectElement class

The SelectElement represents a wrapper that is associated with the HTMLSelectElement

Inheritance: SelectElementFormElement

The SelectElement type exposes the following members:


element_typeGets the type of the element.
nameRepresent the name attribute of the input element.
idRepresents the Id attribute of the input element.
valueOn getting, must return the value of the first option element in the list of options in tree order that has its selectedness set to true, if any.
typeThe type of this form control. This is the string “select-multiple” when the multiple attribute is true and the string “select-one” when false.
multipleIf true, multiple OPTION elements may be selected in this SELECT. See the multiple attribute definition in HTML 4.01.
selected_optionsReturns a list of selected options
optionsReturns a list of options


select_itemsThis methods allows to select multiple options by their indexes.
select_itemsThis methods allows to select multiple options by their values.

See Also