Class EmfPlusMetafile

EmfPlusMetafile class

The EmfPlusMetafileData object specifies a metafile that contains a graphics image

public sealed class EmfPlusMetafile : EmfPlusBaseImageData


EmfPlusMetafile()The default constructor.


MetafileData { get; set; }Gets or sets variable-length data that specifies the embedded metafile. The content and format of the data can be different for each metafile type.
MetafileDataSize { get; set; }Gets or sets 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the size in bytes of the metafile data in the MetafileData field
Type { get; set; }Gets or sets 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the type of metafile that is embedded in the MetafileData field. This value MUST be defined in the MetafileDataType enumeration (section

See Also