Class EmfPlusDrawString

EmfPlusDrawString class

The EmfPlusDrawString record specifies text output with string formatting

public sealed class EmfPlusDrawString : EmfPlusDrawingRecordType


EmfPlusDrawString(EmfPlusRecord)Initializes a new instance of the EmfPlusDrawString class.


BrushId { get; set; }Gets or sets the brush identifier A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the brush, the content of which is determined by the S bit in the Flags field. This definition is used to paint the foreground text color; that is, just the glyphs themselves.
virtual DataSize { get; set; }Gets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that MUST define the 32-bit–aligned number of bytes of data in the RecordData field that follows. This number does not include the 12-byte record header.
virtual Flags { get; set; }Gets or sets a 16-bit unsigned integer that contains information for some records on how the operation is to be performed and on the structure of the record.
FormatId { get; set; }Gets or sets the format identifier A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of an optional EmfPlusStringFormat object (section in the EMF+ Object Table. This object specifies text layout information and display manipulations to be applied to a string
IsColor { get; set; }Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is color. If set, BrushId specifies a color as an EmfPlusARGB object (section If clear, BrushId contains the index of an EmfPlusBrush object (section in the EMF+ Object Table.
LayoutRect { get; set; }Gets or sets the layout rect An EmfPlusRectF object (section that defines the bounding area of the destination that will receive the string
Length { get; set; }Gets or sets the length 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the number of characters in the string.
ObjectId { get; set; }Gets or sets the object identifier. The index of an EmfPlusFont object (section in the EMF+ Object Table to render the text. The value MUST be zero to 63, inclusive.
virtual Size { get; set; }Gets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the 32-bit-aligned number of bytes in the entire record, including the 12-byte record header and record-specific data.
StringData { get; set; }Gets or sets the string data An array of 16-bit Unicode characters that specifies the string to be drawn
Type { get; }Gets a 16-bit unsigned integer that identifies the record type.

See Also