
Resize(int, int, ImageResizeSettings)

Adjusts the dimensions of the image according to specified width, height, and resize settings. This method provides flexibility in resizing images while maintaining desired proportions and adhering to defined resize configurations, ensuring accurate adjustment of image dimensions to meet specific requirements or display criteria.

public override void Resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, ImageResizeSettings settings)
newWidthInt32The new width.
newHeightInt32The new height.
settingsImageResizeSettingsThe resize settings.

See Also

Resize(int, int, ResizeType)

This method resizes the image, adjusting both width and height based on the specified dimensions and resize type. It offers a comprehensive approach to resizing, allowing for precise adjustments while maintaining image quality and integrity. By incorporating the resize type parameter, users can choose from various resizing algorithms or methods to achieve optimal results for different use cases or preferences.

public override void Resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, ResizeType resizeType)
newWidthInt32The new width.
newHeightInt32The new height.
resizeTypeResizeTypeThe resize type.

See Also