
TgaImage.JobTime property

Retrieves or sets the timestamp indicating the job time associated with the image. This property allows developers to access or modify the time metadata related to the specific job or project associated with the image.

public TimeSpan? JobTime { get; set; }


Updating public properties of the loaded TGA image.


using (TgaImage image = (TgaImage)Image.Load("test.tga"))
    image.DateTimeStamp = testTime;
    image.AuthorName = "John Smith";
    image.AuthorComments = "Comment";
    image.ImageId = "ImageId";
    image.JobNameOrId = "Important Job";
    image.JobTime = TimeSpan.FromDays(10);
    image.TransparentColor = Color.FromArgb(123);
    image.SoftwareId = "SoftwareId";
    image.SoftwareVersion = "abc1";
    image.SoftwareVersionLetter = 'a';
    image.SoftwareVersionNumber = 2;
    image.XOrigin = 1000;
    image.YOrigin = 1000;


Getting values of the public properties of the loaded TGA image.


using (TgaImage image = (TgaImage)Image.Load("test.tga"))
    dateTimeStamp = image.DateTimeStamp;
    authorName = image.AuthorName;
    authorComments = image.AuthorComments;
    imageId = image.ImageId;
    jobNameOrId = image.JobNameOrId;
    jobTime = image.JobTime;
    keyColor = image.TransparentColor;
    softwareId = image.SoftwareId;
    softwareVersion = image.SoftwareVersion;
    softwareVersionLetter = image.SoftwareVersionLetter;
    softwareVersionNumber = image.SoftwareVersionNumber;
    xOrigin = image.XOrigin;
    yOrigin = image.YOrigin;
    gammaValueDenominator = image.GammaValueDenominator;
    gammaValueNumerator = image.GammaValueNumerator;
    hasAlphaChannel = image.HasAlpha;
    hasColorMap = image.HasColorMap;
    height = image.Height;
    isGrayScale = image.IsGrayScale;
    pixelAspectRatioDenominator = image.PixelAspectRatioDenominator;
    pixelAspectRatioNumerator = image.PixelAspectRatioNumerator;
    size = image.Size;
    width = image.Width;

See Also