
TiffOptions.Predictor property

Gets or sets the predictor for LZW compression.

public TiffPredictor Predictor { get; set; }

Property Value

The predictor type.


This example shows how to save a raster image to the TIFF format using various options.


string dir = "c:\\temp\\";

Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.TiffOptions saveOptions = new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.TiffOptions(Imaging.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffExpectedFormat.Default);

// Set 8 bits for each color component.
saveOptions.BitsPerSample = new ushort[] { 8, 8, 8 };

// Set the Big Endian byte order (Motorola)
saveOptions.ByteOrder = Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffByteOrder.BigEndian;

// Set the LZW compression.
saveOptions.Compression = Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffCompressions.Lzw;

// Allow to reduce the size of continuous-tone images.
// Currently this field is used only with LZW encoding because LZW is probably the only TIFF encoding scheme
// that benefits significantly from a predictor step.
saveOptions.Predictor = Imaging.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffPredictor.Horizontal;

// Set the RGB color model.
saveOptions.Photometric = Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffPhotometrics.Rgb;

// For YCbCr, you can use one of the following choices:
// YCbCrSubSampling field   JPEG sampling factors
// ----------------------------------------------
// 1,1                      1x1, 1x1, 1x1
// 2,1                      2x1, 1x1, 1x1
// 2,2(default value)       2x2, 1x1, 1x1
// saveOptions.YCbCrSubsampling = new ushort[] { 2, 2 };

// All color components will be stored within a singel plane.
saveOptions.PlanarConfiguration = Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Tiff.Enums.TiffPlanarConfigs.Contiguous;

// Create a TIFF Frame of 100x100 px.
using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = new Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Bmp.BmpImage(100, 100))
    // Fill the entire image with the blue-yellow gradient.
    Aspose.Imaging.Brushes.LinearGradientBrush gradientBrush = new Aspose.Imaging.Brushes.LinearGradientBrush(
            new Aspose.Imaging.Point(0, 0),
            new Aspose.Imaging.Point(image.Width, image.Height),

    Aspose.Imaging.Graphics graphics = new Aspose.Imaging.Graphics(image);
    graphics.FillRectangle(gradientBrush, image.Bounds);

    image.Save(dir + "output.tif", saveOptions);

See Also