Class ProgressEventHandlerInfo

ProgressEventHandlerInfo class

This class represents information about image load/save/export operations progress, that can be used in external application to show conversion progress to end user

public class ProgressEventHandlerInfo


Description { get; }Gets the description of the event
EventType { get; }Gets the type of the event.
MaxValue { get; }Gets the upper progress value limit.
Value { get; }Gets current progress value.


The following example shows how to print information about progress events for load/export operations.


public void Test3460()
    string dir = "c:\\aspose.imaging\\net\\issues\\3460";
    string fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "big.png");

    // Example of use of separate operation progress event handlers for load/export operations
    using (var image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(fileName, new Aspose.Imaging.LoadOptions { ProgressEventHandler = ProgressCallback }))
        image.Save(fileName + ".psd",
                   new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PsdOptions() { ProgressEventHandler = ExportProgressCallback });

private void ProgressCallback(Aspose.Imaging.ProgressManagement.ProgressEventHandlerInfo info)
    System.Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}/{2}", info.EventType, info.Value, info.MaxValue);

private void ExportProgressCallback(Aspose.Imaging.ProgressManagement.ProgressEventHandlerInfo info)
    System.Console.WriteLine("Export event {0} : {1}/{2}", info.EventType, info.Value, info.MaxValue);

// The STDOUT log may look like this:
//Initialization : 1/4
//PreProcessing : 2/4
//Processing : 3/4
//Finalization : 4/4
//Export event Initialization : 1/4
//Export event PreProcessing : 2/4
//Export event Processing : 3/4
//Export event RelativeProgress : 1/1
//RelativeProgress : 1/1
//Export event Finalization : 4/4

See Also