Class TextShape

TextShape class

Represents a text shape.

public sealed class TextShape : RectangleProjectedShape


TextShape()Initializes a new instance of the TextShape class.
TextShape(string, RectangleF, Font, StringFormat)Initializes a new instance of the TextShape class.


override Bounds { get; }Gets the object’s bounds.
override Center { get; }Gets the shape’s center.
Font { get; set; }Gets or sets the font used to draw the text.
override HasSegments { get; }Gets a value indicating whether shape has segments.
LeftBottom { get; }Gets the left bottom rectangle point.
LeftTop { get; }Gets the left top rectangle point.
RectangleHeight { get; }Gets the rectangle height.
RectangleWidth { get; }Gets the rectangle width.
RightBottom { get; }Gets the right bottom rectangle point.
RightTop { get; }Gets the right top rectangle point.
override Segments { get; }Gets the shape segments.
Text { get; set; }Gets or sets the drawn text.
TextFormat { get; set; }Gets or sets the text format.


override Equals(object)Check if objects are equal.
override GetBounds(Matrix)Gets the object’s bounds.
override GetBounds(Matrix, Pen)Gets the object’s bounds.
override GetHashCode()Get hash code of the current object.
override Transform(Matrix)Applies the specified transformation to the shape.

See Also