

Gets RGBA color with a specified number of bits per sample.

public static PixelDataFormat GetRgba(int bitsPerSample)
bitsPerSampleInt32The number of bits per sample.

Return Value

The RGBA color.

See Also

GetRgba(int, int, int, int)

Gets RGBA color with a specified number of bits per sample.

public static PixelDataFormat GetRgba(int bitsPerRedChannel, int bitsPerGreenChannel, 
    int bitsPerBlueChannel, int bitsPerAlphaChannel)
bitsPerRedChannelInt32The number of bits per Red channel.
bitsPerGreenChannelInt32The number of bits per Green channel.
bitsPerBlueChannelInt32The number of bits per Blue channel.
bitsPerAlphaChannelInt32The number of bits per Alpha channel.

Return Value

The RGBA color.

See Also