FillTypes Enumeration

Fill types for the brush.

Module: aspose.imaging.fileformats.cmx.objectmodel.enums

Full Name: aspose.imaging.fileformats.cmx.objectmodel.enums.FillTypes


Member nameDescription
FOUNTAINFountain fill.
Apply a gradient of colors or shades.
FULL_COLOR_PATTERNVector pattern fill.
IMPORTED_BITMAPBitmap pattern fill.
NO_FILLNo fill needed
POSTSCRIPTPostscript fill.
Apply an intricate PostScript texture fill.
TEXTURETexture fill.
TWO_COLOR_PATTERNTwo-color pattern fill.
UNIFORMUniform fill.
Apply a solid fill color.
UNKNOWNUnknown fill type.