Class NoteTask

NoteTask class

Represents a note task.

public sealed class NoteTask : CheckBox, IEquatable<NoteTask>


Checked { get; }Gets a value indicating whether the CheckBox is in the checked state.
CompletedTime { get; }Gets or sets the completed time.
CreationTime { get; set; }Gets or sets the creation time.
DueDate { get; set; }Gets or sets the due date.
override Icon { get; }Gets or sets the icon.
Label { get; }Gets the label text.
Status { get; }Gets or sets the status.


static CreateCustomFollowUpDate(DateTime)Creates a new note task with NoFollowUpDateFlag icon and specified due date.
static CreateFollowUpNextWeek()Creates a new note task with FollowUpNextWeekFlag icon.
static CreateFollowUpThisWeek()Creates a new note task with FollowUpThisWeekFlag icon.
static CreateFollowUpToday()Creates a new note task with FollowUpTodayFlag icon.
static CreateFollowUpTomorrow()Creates a new note task with FollowUpTomorrowFlag icon.
static CreateNoFollowUpDate()Creates a new note task with NoFollowUpDateFlag icon.
Equals(NoteTask)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
override Equals(object)Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
override GetHashCode()Serves as a hash function for the type.
SetCompleted()Sets the tag to completed state using current time as completed time.
SetCompleted(DateTime)Sets the tag to completed state.
override SetOpen()Sets the tag to open state.


Shows how to generate a pdf containing all pages related to ‘Project A’.

// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Tags();

// Load the document into Aspose.Note.
var oneFile = new Document(Path.Combine(dataDir, ""));

var report = new Document();
foreach (var page in oneFile)
    if (page.GetChildNodes<ITaggable>().Any(e => e.Tags.Any(x => x.Label.Contains("Project A"))))

report.Save(Path.Combine(dataDir, "ProjectA_Report.pdf"));

Shows how to access details of outlook’s tasks.

// The path to the documents directory.
string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Tasks();

// Load the document into Aspose.Note.
Document oneFile = new Document(dataDir + "");

// Get all RichText nodes
IList<RichText> nodes = oneFile.GetChildNodes<RichText>();

// Iterate through each node
foreach (RichText richText in nodes)
    var tasks = richText.Tags.OfType<NoteTask>();
    if (tasks.Any())
        Console.WriteLine($"Task: {richText.Text}");
        foreach (var noteTask in tasks)
            // Retrieve properties
            Console.WriteLine($"    Completed Time: {noteTask.CompletedTime}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Create Time: {noteTask.CreationTime}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Due Date: {noteTask.DueDate}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Status: {noteTask.Status}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Icon: {noteTask.Icon}");

See Also