Container to collect all images / documents for preprocessing / recognition.
public class OcrInput : IDisposable, IEnumerable<ImageData>
Name | Description |
OcrInput(InputType, PreprocessingFilter) | Constructor to create container and set the type of images/documents and filters for further preprocessing / recognition. |
Name | Description |
Item { get; set; } | Returns information about processed / recognized image. |
Name | Description |
Add(MemoryStream) | Add the memory stream containing the image for recognition / processing. The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor. |
Add(string) | Add the path or URI containing the image for recognition / processing. The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor. |
Add(Color[], int, int) | Add the decoded image to the list for recognition / processing. The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor (SingleImage). |
Add(MemoryStream, int, int) | Add the memory stream containing the multipage image for recognition / processing. The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor. |
Add(string, int, int) | Add the multipage images / documents for recognition / processing. The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor. |
Add(byte[], int, int, PixelType) | Add the decoded image to the list for recognition / processing. The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor (SingleImage). |
AddBase64(string) | Add the base64 string containing the image for recognition / processing. The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor. |
Clear() | Set the amount of items for processing / recognition as 0. Clear the collection. |
ClearFilters() | Remove all filters. |
Count() | Amount of items for processing / recognition. |
Dispose() | Set the amount of items for processing / recognition as 0. Clear the collection. |
GetEnumerator() | Returns collection enumerator. |
GetInputType() | Type of allowed images for recognition. |
ReplaceFilters(PreprocessingFilter) | Remove old filters and set new. |
See Also