

Initializes a new instance of the OcrOutput class with an empty collection. This constructor calls the base class constructor to initialize an empty list of RecognitionResult.

public OcrOutput()

See Also

OcrOutput(IEnumerable<RecognitionResult>, OcrInput)

Initializes a new instance of the OcrOutput class with a specified collection of RecognitionResult. This constructor creates a new OcrOutput by copying the elements from the provided collection.

public OcrOutput(IEnumerable<RecognitionResult> collection, OcrInput input)
collectionIEnumerable`1The collection of RecognitionResult to initialize the list with.
inputOcrInputThe collection of images data from the customer.

See Also


Initializes a new instance of the OcrOutput class with a specified initial capacity. This constructor creates a new OcrOutput with a predefined number of elements allocated, optimizing for performance when the size is known ahead of time.

public OcrOutput(int capacity)
capacityInt32The initial capacity of the list. This number represents the maximum number of elements the list can hold before resizing.

See Also