
Module recognitionresult



Ancestors (in MRO)

  • aspose.helper.BaseJavaClass


initParams(self) :
The results of the image recognition. Contains elements with recognition information and methods for result export.

Static methods

save_multipage_document(self, fullPath: str)

Instance variables

List recognition results of a list of areas (Rectangles).
Gets a list of recognition results with a list of rows (Rectangles).


getJavaClass(self) :

Form JSON string with recognition results. @return: Recognition results as JSON string.
get_spell_check_corrected_text(self, language: aspose.models.SpellCheckLanguage) ‑> str
Corrects text (replaces misspelled words). @param language: Dictionary to use. @return: Corrected recognition results string.
get_spell_check_error_list(self, language: aspose.models.SpellCheckLanguage = SpellCheckLanguage.ENG)
Find the misspelled words with suggested spellings for a given input text. @param language: Dictionary to use. @return: List of SpellCheckError object representing misspelled words with lists suggested correct spellings for the each misspelled word, and with the edit distance.
Form JSON string with recognition results. @return: Recognition results as XML string.

init(self) :

save(self, fullFileName: str, format: aspose.models.Format)
Saves the document in the plain text or other document format. @param fullFileName: Filename with a path for saving recognition result. @param format: Document format enum type of Format.
save_spell_check_corrected_text(self, fullFileName: str, format: aspose.models.Format, language: aspose.models.SpellCheckLanguage = SpellCheckLanguage.ENG)
Corrects text (replaces misspelled words). Saves the corrected text in the document in the plain text or other format. @param fullFileName: Filename with a path for saving recognition result @param format: Document format enum type of Format. @param language: Dictionary for spell check.
use_user_dictionary(self, dictionaryPath: str)
    Allows to use own dictionary for spell-check correction.
    @param dictionaryPath: Full path to the user dictionary (frequency dictionary).
    Dictionary file format:
    Plain text file in UTF-8 encoding.
    Word and Word Frequency are separated by comma, the word is expected in the first column and the frequency in the second column.
    Every word-frequency-pair in a separate line.A line is defined as a sequence of characters followed by a line feed ("
“), a carriage return (” “), or a carriage return immediately followed by a line feed(”

“). Every word is expected to be in lower case. Example: \code word,5984819 hello,5761742 down,5582768 \endcode

Data about detected text areas or lines. \code source - The full path to the file or URL, if any. Empty for streams, byte arrays, base64. page - Page number. image_index - Sequence number of the image on the page. rectangles - List of detected text areas or lines. \endcode

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • aspose.helper.BaseJavaClass


initParams(self) :

Data about skew angle in degrees and name of the file. \code source - The full path to the file or URL, if any. Empty for streams, byte arrays, base64. page - Page number. image_index - Sequence number of the image on the page. angle - Skew angle in degrees. \endcode

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • aspose.helper.BaseJavaClass


initParams(self) :

See Also