
OcrInput class

Container to collect all images / documents for preprocessing / recognition.

The OcrInput type exposes the following members:


OcrInput(type, filters)Initializes a new instance of the OcrInput class
OcrInput(type)Initializes a new instance of the OcrInput class


[index]Returns information about processed / recognized image.


add(full_path)Add the path or URI containing the image for recognition / processing.
The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor.
add(stream)Add the memory stream containing the image for recognition / processing.
The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor.
add(full_path, start_page, pages_count)Add the multipage images / documents for recognition / processing.
The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor.
add(stream, start_page, pages_count)Add the memory stream containing the multipage image for recognition / processing.
The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor.
add(arr, width, height, pixel_format)Add the decoded image to the list for recognition / processing.
The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor (SingleImage).
replace_filters(filters)Remove old filters and set new.
clear_filters()Remove all filters.
add_base64(base64)Add the base64 string containing the image for recognition / processing.
The type of the image must correspond to the type specified in the constructor.
clear()Remove all filters.
count()Amount of items for processing / recognition.

See Also