
GenerationResult class

The result of the template generation. Contains the template image and the template (json that describes elements location on the image).

public class GenerationResult


ErrorCode { get; set; }Gets or sets the error code. Equals 0 if no errors occurred.
ErrorMessage { get; set; }Gets or sets the message describing error. Empty if no errors occurred.
Template { get; set; }Gets or sets the Template JSON string
TemplateImage { get; set; }Gets or sets the generated Template Image
Warnings { get; set; }Gets or sets list of the warnings messages describing non-critical faults appeared during generation


Save(string, string)Save template images and template to the specified folder as .png
SaveAsInteractivePdf(string, string)Save a form to an interactive PDF, enabling users to fill out fields directly on their computer or smartphone and submit it electronically.
SaveAsPdf(string, string)Save template images to the specified folder as .pdf Multi page templates saved as a single .pdf file with multiple pages


MultipageTemplateImagesGets or sets the collection of generated images for a multi-page template

See Also