Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size class

Size class

Stores an ordered pair of integers, typically the width and height of a rectangle.

class Size : public System::Object,
             public System::Details::BoxableObjectBase


Clone()Clones this Aspose.Page.Drawing.Size.
Equals(System::SharedPtr<System::Object>) overrideTests to see whether the specified object is a T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size with the same dimensions as this T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size.
get_Height()Gets the vertical component of this T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size.
get_IsEmpty()Tests whether this T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size has width and height of 0.
get_Width()Gets the horizontal component of this T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size.
GetHashCode() const overrideReturns a hash code for this T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size structure.
set_Height(int32_t)Sets the vertical component of this T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size.
set_Width(int32_t)Sets the horizontal component of this T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size.
Size(int32_t, int32_t)Initializes a new instance of the T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size class from the specified dimensions.
ToString() const overrideCreates a human-readable string that represents this T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size.


static EmptyGets a T:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size structure that has a P:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size::Height and P:Aspose::Page::Drawing::Size::Width value of 0.

See Also