Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel::XpsTransformableBrush class

XpsTransformableBrush class

Class incapsulating common features of transformable brushes elements (all except SolidColorBrush).

class XpsTransformableBrush : public Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel::XpsBrush,
                              public Aspose::Page::XPS::XpsModel::ITransformableProperty


get_Transform() overrideReturns/sets the matrix transformation applied to the coordinate space of the brush. The Transform property is concatenated with the current effective render transform to yield an effective render transform local to the brush. The viewport for the brush is transformed using the local effective render transform.
set_Transform(System::SharedPtr<XpsMatrix>) overrideReturns/sets the matrix transformation applied to the coordinate space of the brush. The Transform property is concatenated with the current effective render transform to yield an effective render transform local to the brush. The viewport for the brush is transformed using the local effective render transform.

See Also