Clone() | Creates a copy of the current instance. |
Cookie() | Constructs a new instance. |
Cookie(String, String) | Constructs a new instance. |
Cookie(String, String, String) | Constructs a new instance. |
Cookie(String, String, String, String) | Constructs a new instance. |
Equals(System::SharedPtr<Object>) override | Compares objects using C# Object.Equals semantics. |
get_Comment() const | Gets the ‘Comment’ attribute’s value. |
get_CommentUri() const | Gets the ‘CommentURL’ attribute’s value. |
get_Discard() const | Gets the ‘Discard’ attribute’s value. |
get_Domain() const | Gets the ‘Domain’ attribute’s value. |
get_DomainImplicit() | Gets a value that indicates if the domain is implicit. |
get_DomainKey() const | Returns the domain key. |
get_Expired() | Gets a value that indicates if the cookie expired. |
get_Expires() | Gets the ‘Expires’ attribute’s value. |
get_HttpOnly() const | Gets the ‘HttpOnly’ attribute’s value. |
get_Name() const | Gets the cookie’s name. |
get_Path() const | Gets the ‘Path’ attribute’s value. |
get_Plain() const | Returns a value that indicates if the cookie specification is ‘Plain’. |
get_Port() const | Gets the ‘Port’ attribute’s value. |
get_PortList() const | Returns the collection of the ‘Port’ attribute’s values. |
get_Secure() const | Gets the ‘Secure’ attribute’s value. |
get_TimeStamp() const | Returns the time when the cookie was created. |
get_Value() const | Gets the cookie’s’value. |
get_Variant() const | Gets the cookie’s specification. |
get_Version() const | Gets the ‘Version’ attribute’s value. |
GetHashCode() const override | Analog of C# Object.GetHashCode() method. Enables hashing of custom objects. |
InternalSetName(String) | This method is called by other methods to set a method name. |
set_Comment(String) | Sets the ‘Comment’ attribute’s value. |
set_CommentUri(System::SharedPtr<Uri>) | Sets the ‘CommentURL’ attribute’s value. |
set_Discard(bool) | Sets the ‘Discard’ attribute’s value. |
set_Domain(String) | Sets the ‘Domain’ attribute’s value. |
set_DomainImplicit(bool) | Sets a value that indicates if the domain is implicit. |
set_Expired(bool) | Sets a value that indicates if the cookie expired. |
set_Expires(DateTime) | Sets the ‘Expires’ attribute’s value. |
set_HttpOnly(bool) | Sets the ‘HttpOnly’ attribute’s value. |
set_Name(String) | Sets the cookie’s name. |
set_Path(String) | Sets the ‘Path’ attribute’s value. |
set_Port(String) | Sets the ‘Port’ attribute’s value. |
set_Secure(bool) | Sets the ‘Secure’ attribute’s value. |
set_Value(String) | Sets the cookie’s value. |
set_Variant(CookieVariant) | Sets the cookie’s specification. |
set_Version(int32_t) | Sets the ‘Version’ attribute’s value. |
ToServerString() | Serializes the current instance to the string representation. |
ToString() const override | Analog of C# Object.ToString() method. Enables converting custom objects to string. |
VerifySetDefaults(CookieVariant, System::SharedPtr<Uri>, bool, String, bool, bool) | Verifies and sets the default attribute’s values. |