System::Net::IPEndPoint class
IPEndPoint class
Represents a network endpoint that contains an IP address and a port. Objects of this class should only be allocated using System::MakeObject() function. Never create instance of this type on stack or using operator new, as it will result in runtime errors and/or assertion faults. Always wrap this class into System::SmartPtr pointer and use this pointer to pass it to functions as argument.
class IPEndPoint : public System::Net::EndPoint
Method | Description |
Create(System::SharedPtr<SocketAddress>) override | Create a new instance of the EndPoint class using the specified socket address. |
Equals(System::SharedPtr<Object>) override | Compares objects using C# Object.Equals semantics. |
get_Address() | Gets the endpoint address. |
get_AddressFamily() override | RTTI information. |
get_Port() | Gets the port number. |
GetHashCode() const override | Analog of C# Object.GetHashCode() method. Enables hashing of custom objects. |
GetImpl() const override | Returns a pointer to implementation. |
IPEndPoint(int64_t, int32_t) | Constructs a new instance. |
IPEndPoint(System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>, int32_t) | Constructs a new instance. |
set_Address(System::SharedPtr<IPAddress>) | Sets the endpoint address. |
set_Port(int32_t) | Sets the port number. |
ToString() const override | Analog of C# Object.ToString() method. Enables converting custom objects to string. |
Field | Description |
static Any | The endpoint for any IPv4 address and any port. |
static AnyPort | A value that indicates if any port can be used. |
static IPv6Any | The endpoint for any IPv6 address and any port. |
static MaxPort | The maximum port number. |
static MinPort | RTTI information. |
See Also
- Class EndPoint
- Namespace System::Net
- Library Aspose.Page for C++