]The com.aspose.xps.metadata package provides classes that describe metadata of XPS document.
Class | Description |
Collate | The base class for DocumentCollate and JobCollateAllDocuments features classes. |
Collate.CollateOption | Describes the DocumentCollate and JobCollateAllDocuments features options. |
CompositePrintTicketElement | The base class for classes that may be composite Print Schema elements (i.e. containing other elements). |
DecimalValue | The class that incapsulates a Decimal value in a PrintTicket document. |
DocumentBannerSheet | Describes the banner sheet to be output for a particular document. |
DocumentBannerSheet.BannerSheetOption | Represents options of the DocumentBannerSheet feature. |
DocumentBannerSheetSource | Specifies the source for a custom banner sheet. |
DocumentBinding | Describes the method of binding. |
DocumentBinding.BindingGutter | Describes the way to specify the BindingGutter scored property value, whether by an integer value or by the reference to the DocumentBindingGutter parameter. |
DocumentBinding.BindingOption | Represents options of the DocumentBinding feature. |
DocumentBindingGutter | Specifies the width of the binding gutter. |
DocumentCollate | Describes the collating characteristics of the output. |
DocumentCopiesAllPages | Specifies the number of copies of a document. |
DocumentCoverBack | Describes the back (ending) cover sheet. |
DocumentCoverBack.CoverBackOption | Describes the DocumentCoverBack feature options. |
DocumentCoverBackSource | Specifies the source for a custom back-cover sheet. |
DocumentCoverFront | Describes the front (beginning) cover sheet. |
DocumentCoverFront.CoverFrontOption | Describes the DocumentCoverFront feature options. |
DocumentCoverFrontSource | Specifies the source for a custom front-cover sheet. |
DocumentDuplex | Describes the duplex characteristics of the output. |
DocumentHolePunch | Describes the hole punching characteristics of the output. |
DocumentID | Specifies a unique ID for the document. |
DocumentImpositionColor | Application content labeled with the specified named color MUST appear on all color separations. |
DocumentInputBin | Describes the installed input bin in a device or the full list of supported bins for a device. |
DocumentNUp | Describes the output and format of multiple logical pages to a single physical sheet. |
DocumentName | Specifies a descriptive name for the document. |
DocumentOutputBin | Describes the full list of supported bins for the device. |
DocumentPageRanges | Describes the output range of the document in pages. |
DocumentPrintTicket | The class that incapsulates a document-level print ticket. |
DocumentRollCut | Describes the cutting method for roll paper. |
DocumentSeparatorSheet | Describes the separator sheet usage for a document. |
DocumentSeparatorSheet.DocumentSeparatorSheetOption | Describes the DocumentSeparatorSheet feature options. |
DocumentStaple | Describes the stapling characteristics of the output. |
DocumentURI | Specifies a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the document. |
Duplex | The base class for JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously and DocumentDuplex features classes. |
Duplex.DuplexMode | Defines possible values of the DuplexOption ’s DuplexMode scored property. |
Duplex.DuplexOption | Describes the JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously and DocumentDuplex features options. |
Feature | The class that incapsulates a common Print Schema feature. |
HolePunch | The base class for JobHolePunch and DocumentHolePunch features classes. |
HolePunch.HolePunchOption | Describes the HolePunch feature options. |
IDProperty | The base class for JobID and DocumentID properties classes. |
InputBin | The base class for JobInputBin , DocumentInputBin and PageInputBin features classes. |
InputBin.BinType | Defines constants for the BinType scored property value. |
InputBin.FeedDirection | Defines constants for the FeedDirection scored property value. |
InputBin.FeedFace | Defines constants for the FeedFace scored property value. |
InputBin.FeedType | Defines constants for the FeedType scored property value. |
InputBin.InputBinOption | Describes the JobInputBin , DocumentInputBin and PageInputBin features options. |
InputBin.MediaCapacity | Define constants for the MediaCapacity scored property value that specify whether the bin is a high capacity bin (qualitative). |
InputBin.MediaPath | Defines constants for the MediaPath scored property value. |
InputBin.MediaSheetCapacity | Defines the MediaSheetCapacity scored property value that specifies the Media capacity in number of pages (full level) of the bin. |
InputBin.MediaSizeAutoSense | Defines constants for the MediaSizeAutoSense scored property value. |
InputBin.MediaTypeAutoSense | Defines constants for the MediaTypeAutoSense scored property value. |
IntegerParameterInit | Base class for all integer parameter initializers. |
IntegerValue | The class that incapsulates an Integer value in a PrintTicket document. |
JobAccountingSheet | Describes the accounting sheet to be output for the job. |
JobAccountingSheet.JobAccountingSheetOption | Describes the JobAccountingSheet feature options. |
JobBindAllDocuments | Describes the method of binding. |
JobBindAllDocuments.BindingGutter | Describes the way to specify the BindingGutter scored property value, whether by an integer value or by the reference to the DocumentBindingGutter parameter. |
JobBindAllDocuments.BindingOption | Describes the JobBindAllDocuments feature options. |
JobBindAllDocumentsGutter | Specifies the width of the binding gutter. |
JobCollateAllDocuments | Describes the collating characteristics of the output. |
JobComment | Specifies a comment associated with the job. |
JobCopiesAllDocuments | Specifies the number of copies of a job. |
JobDeviceLanguage | Describes the device languages supported for sending data from driver to physical device. |
JobDeviceLanguage.JobDeviceLanguageOption | Describes the JobDeviceLanguage feature options. |
JobDigitalSignatureProcessing | Describes configuring the digital signature processing for the entire job. |
JobDigitalSignatureProcessing.JobDigitalSignatureProcessingOption | Describes the JobDigitalSignatureProcessing feature options. |
JobDuplexAllDocumentsContiguously | Describes the duplex characteristics of the output. |
JobErrorSheet | Describes the error sheet output. |
JobErrorSheet.ErrorSheetOption | Describes the JobErrorSheet feature options. |
JobErrorSheet.ErrorSheetWhen | Describes inner ErrorSheetWhen feature. |
JobErrorSheet.ErrorSheetWhen.ErrorSheetWhenOption | Describes the ErrorSheetWhen feature options. |
JobErrorSheetSource | Specifies the source for a custom error sheet. |
JobHolePunch | Describes the hole punching characteristics of the output. |
JobID | Specifies a unique ID for the job. |
JobInputBin | Describes the installed input bin in a device or the full list of supported bins for a device. |
JobNUpAllDocumentsContiguously | Describes the output of multiple logical pages to a single physical sheet. |
JobName | Specifies a descriptive name for the job. |
JobOptimalDestinationColorProfile | Specifies the optimal color profile given the current device configuration. |
JobOptimalDestinationColorProfile.Profile | Describes available color profiles. |
JobOutputBin | Describes the installed output bin in a device or the full list of supported bins for a device. |
JobOutputOptimization | Describes the job processing, intended to optimize the output for particular use scenarios as indicated by the option specified. |
JobOutputOptimization.JobOutputOptimizationOption | Describes the JobOutputOptimization feature options. |
JobPageOrder | Defines the order of physical pages for the output. |
JobPageOrder.JobPageOrderOption | Describes the JobPageOrder feature options. |
JobPrimaryBannerSheet | Describes the banner sheet to be output for the job. |
JobPrimaryBannerSheet.BannerSheetOption | Represents options of the JobPrimaryBannerSheet feature. |
JobPrimaryBannerSheetSource | Specifies the source for a primary custom banner sheet for the job. |
JobPrimaryCoverBack | Describes the back (ending) cover sheet. |
JobPrimaryCoverBack.CoverBackOption | Describes the JobPrimaryCoverBack feature options. |
JobPrimaryCoverBackSource | Specifies the source for a custom back-cover primary sheet for the job. |
JobPrimaryCoverFront | Describes the front (beginning) cover sheet. |
JobPrimaryCoverFront.CoverFrontOption | Describes the JobPrimaryCoverFront feature options. |
JobPrimaryCoverFrontSource | Specifies the source for a custom front-cover primary sheet for the job. |
JobPrintTicket | The class that incapsulates a job-level print ticket. |
JobRollCutAtEndOfJob | Describes the cutting method for roll paper. |
JobStapleAllDocuments | Describes the stapling characteristics of the output. |
JobURI | Specifies a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the document. |
NUp | The base class for JobNUpAllDocumentsContiguously and DocumentNUp features classes. |
NUp.PresentationDirection | Describes inner PresentationDirection feature. |
NUp.PresentationDirection.PresentationDirectionOption | Describes the PresentationDirection feature options. |
NameProperty | The base class for JobName and DocumentName properties classes. |
Option | The class that implements a common PrintTicket Option . |
OutputBin | The base class for JobOutputBin , DocumentOutputBin and PageOutputBin features classes. |
OutputBin.BinType | Defines constants for the BinType scored property value. |
OutputBin.MediaSheetCapacity | Defines the MediaSheetCapacity scored property value that specifies the Media capacity in number of pages (full level) of the bin. |
OutputBin.OutputBinOption | Describes the JobOutputBin , DocumentOutputBin and PageOutputBin features options. |
PageBlackGenerationProcessing | Specifies black generation behavior for CMYK separations. |
PageBlackGenerationProcessing.PageBlackGenerationProcessingOption | Describes the PageBlackGenerationProcessing feature options. |
PageBlackGenerationProcessingBlackInkLimit | Application content labeled with the specified named color MUST appear on all color separations. |
PageBlackGenerationProcessingGrayComponentReplacementExtent | Describes the extented beyond neutrals (into chromatic colors) that GCR applies. 0% = Uniform component replacement, 100% = Gray component replacement. |
PageBlackGenerationProcessingGrayComponentReplacementLevel | Specifies the percentage of gray component replacement to perform. |
PageBlackGenerationProcessingGrayComponentReplacementStart | Describes the point in the “highlight to shadow” range where GCR should start (100% darkest shadow). |
PageBlackGenerationProcessingTotalInkCoverageLimit | Specifies the maximum allowed sum of the four ink coverage anywhere in an image. |
PageBlackGenerationProcessingUnderColorAdditionLevel | Describes the amount chromatic ink (in gray component ratios) to add to areas where GCR/UCR has generated “BlackInkLimit” (or UCAStart, if specified) in the dark neutrals and near-neutral areas. |
PageBlackGenerationProcessingUnderColorAdditionStart | Describes the shadow level below which UCA will be applied. |
PageBlendColorSpace | Describes the color space that should be used for blending operations. |
PageBlendColorSpace.PageBlendColorSpaceOption | Describes the PageBlendColorSpace feature options. |
PageBlendColorSpaceICCProfileURI | Specifies a relative URI reference to an ICC profile defining the color space that SHOULD be used for blending. |
PageBorderless | Describes when image content should be printed to the physical edges of the media. |
PageBorderless.PageBorderlessOption | Describes the PageBorderless feature options. |
PageColorManagement | Configures color management for the current page. |
PageColorManagement.PageColorManagementOption | Describes the PageColorManagement feature options. |
PageCopies | Specifies the number of copies of a page. |
PageDestinationColorProfile | Defines the characteristics of the destination color profile. |
PageDestinationColorProfile.PageDestinationColorProfileOption | Describes the PageDestinationColorProfile feature options. |
PageDestinationColorProfileEmbedded | Specifies the embedded destination color profile. |
PageDestinationColorProfileURI | Specifies a relative URI reference to an ICC profile contained in an XPS Document. |
PageDeviceColorSpaceProfileURI | Specifies a relative URI to the package root to an ICC profile contained in an XPS Document. |
PageDeviceColorSpaceUsage | In conjunction with the PageDeviceColorSpaceProfileURI parameter, this parameter defines the rendering behavior for elements presented in a device color space. |
PageDeviceColorSpaceUsage.PageDeviceColorSpaceUsageOption | Describes the PageDeviceColorSpaceUsage feature options. |
PageDeviceFontSubstitution | Describes the enabled/disabled state of device font substitution. |
PageDeviceFontSubstitution.PageDeviceFontSubstitutionOption | Describes the PageDeviceFontSubstitution feature options. |
PageForceFrontSide | Forces the output to appear on the front of a media sheet. |
PageForceFrontSide.PageForceFrontSideOption | Describes the PageForceFrontSide feature options. |
PageICMRenderingIntent | Describes the rendering intent as defined by the ICC v2 Specification. |
PageICMRenderingIntent.PageICMRenderingIntentOption | Describes the PageICMRenderingIntent feature options. |
PageImageableSize | Describes the imaged canvas for layout and rendering. |
PageInputBin | Describes the installed input bin in a device or the full list of supported bins for a device. |
PageMediaColor | Describes the Media Color options and the characteristics of each option. |
PageMediaColor.PageMediaColorOption | Describes the PageMediaColor feature options. |
PageMediaSize | Describes the physical media dimensions used for the output. |
PageMediaSize.PageMediaSizeOption | Describes the PageMediaSize feature options. |
PageMediaSizeMediaSizeHeight | Specifies the dimension MediaSizeWidth direction for the Custom MediaSize option. |
PageMediaSizeMediaSizeWidth | Specifies the dimension MediaSizeHeight direction for the Custom MediaSize option. |
PageMediaSizePSHeight | Specifies the height of the page, parallel to the feed-orientation direction. |
PageMediaSizePSHeightOffset | Specifies the offset, parallel to the feed-orientation direction. |
PageMediaSizePSOrientation | Specifies the orientation relative to the feed-orientation direction |
PageMediaSizePSWidth | Specifies the width of the page perpendicular to the feed-orientation direction. |
PageMediaSizePSWidthOffset | Specifies the offset perpendicular to the feed-orientation direction. |
PageMediaType | Describes the MediaType options and the characteristics of each option. |
PageMediaType.BackCoating | Defines constants for the BackCoating scored property value. |
PageMediaType.FrontCoating | Defines constants for the FrontCoating scored property value. |
PageMediaType.Material | Defines constants for the Material scored property value. |
PageMediaType.PageMediaTypeOption | Describes the PageMediaType feature options. |
PageMediaType.PrePrinted | Defines constants for the PrePrinted scored property value. |
PageMediaType.PrePunched | Defines constants for the PrePunched scored property value. |
PageMediaType.Recycled | Defines constants for the Recycled scored property value. |
PageMirrorImage | Describes the mirroring setting of the output. |
PageMirrorImage.PageMirrorImageOption | Defines PageMirrorImage feature options. |
PageNegativeImage | Describes the negative setting of the output. |
PageNegativeImage.PageNegativeImageOption | Defines PageNegativeImage feature options. |
PageOrientation | Describes the orientation of the physical media sheet. |
PageOrientation.PageOrientationOption | Describes the PageOrientation feature options. |
PageOutputBin | Describes the full list of supported bins for the device. |
PageOutputColor | Describes the characteristics of the color settings for the output. |
PageOutputColor.PageOutputColorOption | Describes the PageOutputColor feature options. |
PageOutputQuality | Describes the negative setting of the output. |
PageOutputQuality.PageOutputQualityOption | Defines PageOutputQuality feature options. |
PagePhotoPrintingIntent | Indicates a high-level intent to the driver for population of photo printing settings. |
PagePhotoPrintingIntent.PagePhotoPrintingIntentOption | Defines PagePhotoPrintingIntent feature options. |
PagePoster | Describes the output of a single page to multiple physical media sheets. |
PagePrintTicket | The class that incapsulates a page-level print ticket. |
PageResolution | Defines the page resolution of printed output as either a qualitative value or as dots per inch, or both. |
PageResolution.PageResolutionOption | Describes the PageResolution features options. |
PageResolution.QualitativeResolution | Defines constants for the QualitativeResolution scored property value. |
PageScaling | Describes the scaling characteristics of the output. |
PageScaling.PageScalingOption | Describes the PageScaling features options. |
PageScaling.ScaleOffsetAlignment | Describes inner ScaleOffsetAlignment feature. |
PageScaling.ScaleOffsetAlignmentOption | Describes the ScaleOffsetAlignment features options. |
PageScalingOffsetHeight | Specifies the scaling offset in the ImageableSizeWidth direction for custom scaling. |
PageScalingOffsetWidth | Specifies the scaling offset in the ImageableSizeWidth direction for custom scaling. |
PageScalingScale | Specifies the scaling factor for custom square scaling. |
PageScalingScaleHeight | Specifies the scaling factor in the ImageableSizeHeight direction for custom scaling. |
PageScalingScaleWidth | Specifies the scaling factor in the ImageableSizeWidth direction for custom scaling. |
PageSourceColorProfile | Defines the characteristics of the source color profile. |
PageSourceColorProfile.PageSourceColorProfileOption | Describes the PageSourceColorProfile feature options. |
PageSourceColorProfileEmbedded | Specifies the embedded source color profile. |
PageSourceColorProfileURI | Specifies the source for color profile. |
PageTrueTypeFontMode | Describes the method of TrueType font handling to be used. |
PageTrueTypeFontMode.PageTrueTypeFontModeOption | Describes the PageTrueTypeFontMode feature options. |
PageWatermark | Describes the watermark setting of the output and the watermark characteristics. |
PageWatermark.Layering | Describes inner Layering feature. |
PageWatermark.LayeringOption | Describes the Layering feature options. |
PageWatermark.PageWatermarkOption | Describes the PageWatermark features options. |
PageWatermarkOriginHeight | Specifies the origin of a watermark relative to the origin of the PageImageableSize . |
PageWatermarkOriginWidth | Specifies the origin of a watermark relative to the origin of the PageImageableSize . |
PageWatermarkTextAngle | Specifies the angle of the watermark text relative to the PageImageableSizeWidth direction. |
PageWatermarkTextColor | Defines the sRGB color for the watermark text. |
PageWatermarkTextFontSize | Defines the available font sizes for the watermark text. |
PageWatermarkTextText | Specifies the text of the watermark. |
PageWatermarkTransparency | Specifies the transparency for the watermark. |
ParameterInit | Class implementing print ticket parameter initializer. |
ParameterRef | The class that implements a common PrintTicket parameter reference. |
PrintTicket | The class that implements a common PrintTicket of any scope. |
PrintTicketElement | The base class for classes that may be Print Schema elements. |
Property | Class implementing print ticket property. |
QNameValue | The class that incapsulates a QName value in a PrintTicket document. |
RollCut | The base class for JobRollCutAtEndOfJob and DocumentRollCut features classes. |
RollCut.RollCutOption | Describes the JobRollCutAtEndOfJob and DocumentRollCut features options. |
ScoredProperty | The class that implements a common PrintTicket ScoredProperty . |
SelectionType | The convenience class for SelectionType PrintTicket property. |
Staple | The base class for JobStapleAllDocuments and DocumentStaple features classes. |
Staple.StapleOption | Describes the JobStapleAllDocuments and DocumentStaple features options. |
StringParameterInit | Base class for all string parameter initializers. |
StringValue | The class that incapsulates a String value in a PrintTicket document. |
URIProperty | The base class for JobURI and DocumentURI properties classes. |
Value | The base class that incapsulates a Property or a ScoredProperty value in a PrintTicket document. |
Interface | Description |
IDocumentPrintTicketItem | The interface of document-prefixed print ticket items. |
IFeatureItem | The base interface for classes that may be Print Schema Feature items. |
IJobPrintTicketItem | The interface of job-prefixed print ticket items. |
IOptionItem | The interface of classes that may be Print Schema Option items. |
IPagePrintTicketItem | The interface of page-prefixed print ticket items. |
IPrintTicketElementChild | The base interface of a child element of any Print Schema element. |
IPrintTicketItem | The base interface for classes that may be PrintTicket root element items. |
IPropertyItem | The base interface for classes that may be a PrintTicket Property items. |
IScoredPropertyItem | The base interface for classes that may be PrintTicket ScoredProperty items. |