
The com.aspose.xps.rendering package provides base classes for rendering XPS document to other formats.


BmpSaveOptionsClass for XPS-as-BMP saving options.
ImageSaveOptionsBasic class for XPS-as-image saving options.
JpegSaveOptionsClass for XPS-as-JPEG saving options.
PdfEncryptionDetailsContains details for a pdf encryption.
PdfSaveOptionsClass for XPS-as-PDF saving options.
PngSaveOptionsClass for XPS-as-PNG saving options.
TiffSaveOptionsClass for XPS-as-TIFF saving options.


IEventBasedModificationOptionsDefines options relevant to handling event-based modifications during document saving.
IPipelineOptionsDefines conversion options related to pipeline configuration.
IXpsTextConversionOptionsDefines options for conversion of XPS to other formats.


InterpolationModeSpecifies the algorithm that is used when images are scaled or rotated.
PdfEncryptionAlgorithmEncryption mode enumeration.
PdfImageCompressionSpecifies the type of compression applied to images in the PDF file.
PdfTextCompressionSpecifies a type of compression applied to all contents in the PDF file except images.
SmoothingModeSpecifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied to lines and curves and the edges of filled areas.
TextRenderingHintSpecifies the quality of text rendering.