Class TextureBrush

TextureBrush class

Each property of the TextureBrush class is a Brush object that uses an image to fill the interior of a shape. This class cannot be inherited.

public sealed class TextureBrush : Brush


TextureBrush(Bitmap)Initializes a new TextureBrush object that uses the specified image.
TextureBrush(Bitmap, WrapMode)Initializes a new TextureBrush object that uses the specified image and wrap mode.
TextureBrush(Bitmap, WrapMode, RectangleF)Initializes a new TextureBrush object that uses the specified image, wrap mode, and bounding rectangle.


Image { get; }Gets the Image object associated with this TextureBrush object.
Transform { get; set; }Gets or sets a copy of the Matrix object that defines a local geometric transformation for the image associated with this TextureBrush object.
WrapMode { get; set; }Gets or sets a WrapMode enumeration that indicates the wrap mode for this TextureBrush object.


override Clone()Creates an exact copy of this TextureBrush object.
override Dispose()Releases all resources used by this TextureBrush object.
MultiplyTransform(Matrix)Multiplies the Matrix object that represents the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified Matrix object by prepending the specified Matrix object.
MultiplyTransform(Matrix, MatrixOrder)Multiplies the Matrix object that represents the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified Matrix object in the specified order.
ResetTransform()Resets the Transform property of this TextureBrush object to identity.
RotateTransform(float)Rotates the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified amount. This method prepends the rotation to the transformation.
RotateTransform(float, MatrixOrder)Rotates the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified amount in the specified order.
ScaleTransform(float, float)Scales the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified amounts. This method prepends the scaling matrix to the transformation.
ScaleTransform(float, float, MatrixOrder)Scales the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified amounts in the specified order.
TranslateTransform(float, float)Translates the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified dimensions. This method prepends the translation to the transformation.
TranslateTransform(float, float, MatrixOrder)Translates the local geometric transformation of this TextureBrush object by the specified dimensions in the specified order.

See Also