Class XmpMetadata

XmpMetadata class

Provides access to XMP metadata stream.

public sealed class XmpMetadata : IDictionary<string, XmpValue>


Count { get; }Gets count of elements in the collection.
IsFixedSize { get; }Checks if colleciton has fixed size.
IsReadOnly { get; }Checks if collection is read-only.
IsSynchronized { get; }Checks if collection is synchronized.
Item { get; set; }Gets or sets data from metadata.
Keys { get; }Gets collection of metadata keys.
NamespaceManager { get; }Gets namespace manager.
SyncRoot { get; }Gets collection synchronization object.
Values { get; }Gets values in the metadata.


Add(KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>)Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary.
Add(string, object)Adds value to metadata.
Add(string, XmpValue)Adds value to metadata.
AddArrayItem(string, XmpValue)Adds value into an array. The value will be added at the end of the array.
AddArrayItem(string, int, XmpValue)Adds value into an array by specified index.
AddNamedValue(string, string, XmpValue)Adds named value into a structure.
Clear()Clears metadata.
Contains(KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>)Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary.
Contains(string)Checks does key is contained in metadata.
ContainsKey(string)Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key.
CopyTo(KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>[], int)Copies elements of the collection into array.
GetEnumerator()Returns dictionary enumerator.
GetNamespaceUriByPrefix(string)Returns namespace URI by prefix.
GetPrefixByNamespaceUri(string)Returns prefix by namespace URI.
RegisterNamespaceUri(string, string)Registers namespace URI.
RegisterNamespaceUri(string, string, string)Registers namespace URI.
Remove(KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>)Removes key/value pair from the colleciton.
Remove(string)Removes entry from metadata.
SetArrayItem(string, int, XmpValue)Sets value in an array. Previous value will be replaced with new one.
SetNamedValue(string, string, XmpValue)Sets named value into a structure. Previous named value, if already exists, will be replaced with new one.
TryGetValue(string, out XmpValue)Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found.

See Also