Class XmpMetadata
]XmpMetadata class
Provides access to XMP metadata stream.
public sealed class XmpMetadata : IDictionary<string, XmpValue>
Name | Description |
Count { get; } | Gets count of elements in the collection. |
IsFixedSize { get; } | Checks if colleciton has fixed size. |
IsReadOnly { get; } | Checks if collection is read-only. |
IsSynchronized { get; } | Checks if collection is synchronized. |
Item { get; set; } | Gets or sets data from metadata. |
Keys { get; } | Gets collection of metadata keys. |
NamespaceManager { get; } | Gets namespace manager. |
SyncRoot { get; } | Gets collection synchronization object. |
Values { get; } | Gets values in the metadata. |
Name | Description |
Add(KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>) | Adds pair with key and value into the dictionary. |
Add(string, object) | Adds value to metadata. |
Add(string, XmpValue) | Adds value to metadata. |
AddArrayItem(string, XmpValue) | Adds value into an array. The value will be added at the end of the array. |
AddArrayItem(string, int, XmpValue) | Adds value into an array by specified index. |
AddNamedValue(string, string, XmpValue) | Adds named value into a structure. |
Clear() | Clears metadata. |
Contains(KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>) | Checks does specified key-value pair is contained in the dictionary. |
Contains(string) | Checks does key is contained in metadata. |
ContainsKey(string) | Determines does this dictionary contasins specified key. |
CopyTo(KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>[], int) | Copies elements of the collection into array. |
GetEnumerator() | Returns dictionary enumerator. |
GetNamespaceUriByPrefix(string) | Returns namespace URI by prefix. |
GetPrefixByNamespaceUri(string) | Returns prefix by namespace URI. |
RegisterNamespaceUri(string, string) | Registers namespace URI. |
RegisterNamespaceUri(string, string, string) | Registers namespace URI. |
Remove(KeyValuePair<string, XmpValue>) | Removes key/value pair from the colleciton. |
Remove(string) | Removes entry from metadata. |
SetArrayItem(string, int, XmpValue) | Sets value in an array. Previous value will be replaced with new one. |
SetNamedValue(string, string, XmpValue) | Sets named value into a structure. Previous named value, if already exists, will be replaced with new one. |
TryGetValue(string, out XmpValue) | Tries to find key in the dictionary and retreives value if found. |
See Also
- class XmpValue
- namespace Aspose.Page.EPS.XMP
- assembly Aspose.Page