Class XpsContentElement

XpsContentElement class

Incapsulates features of XPS content elements: Canvas, Path and Glyphs.

public abstract class XpsContentElement : XpsHyperlinkElement


Clip { get; set; }Returns/sets the path geometry instance limiting the rendered region of the element.
Count { get; }Returns number of child elements.
HyperlinkTarget { get; set; }Returns/sets hyperlink target object.
Item { get; }Provides access to element’s children by index i.
Opacity { get; set; }Returns/sets the value defining the uniform transparency of the element.
OpacityMask { get; set; }Returns/sets the brush specifying a mask of alpha values that is applied to the element in the same fashion as the Opacity attribute, but allowing different alpha values for different areas of the element.
RenderTransform { get; set; }Returns/sets the affine transformation matrix establishing a new coordinate frame for all attributes of the element and for all child elements (if any).


GetEnumerator()Implementation of IEnumerable interface.

See Also