Size class

Size class

Stores an ordered pair of integers, typically the width and height of a rectangle.

The Size type exposes the following members:


initInitializes a new instance of the Size class from the specified dimensions.
initConstructs a new instance of Size


heightGets or sets the vertical component of this Size.
widthGets or sets the horizontal component of this Size.
is_emptyTests whether this Size has width and height of 0.
EMPTYGets a Size structure that has a Size.height and Size.width value of 0.


cloneClones this Aspose.Page.Drawing.Size.
equalsTests to see whether the specified object is a Size with the same dimensions as this Size.
get_hash_codeReturns a hash code for this Size structure.
to_stringCreates a human-readable string that represents this Size.

See Also