ImageDevice class

ImageDevice class

This class encapsulates rendering of document to image.

Inheritance: ImageDeviceDevice

The ImageDevice type exposes the following members:


initInitializes new instance of ImageDevice.
initInitializes new instance of ImageDevice with specified size of a page.
initInitializes new instance of ImageDevice with specified image format.
initInitializes new instance of ImageDevice with specified size of a page and image format.


current_page_numberCurrent page number.
images_bytesReturns resulting images in bytes, one byte array for one page.
TRANSPARENT“Transparent” property key.
BACKGROUND“Background” property key.
BACKGROUND_COLOR“Background color” property key.
PAGE_SIZE“Page size” property key.
PAGE_MARGINS“Page margins” property key.
ORIENTATION“Orientation” property key.
FIT_TO_PAGE“Fit content to page” property key.
EMBED_FONTS“Embed font in document” property key.
EMIT_WARNINGS“Emit warnings” property value.
EMIT_ERRORS“Emit errors” property value.
PRODUCER“Producer” property value.


open_pageMakes necessary preparation of the device before page rendering.
open_pageMakes necessary preparation of the device before each page rendering.
init_page_numbersInitializes numbers of pages to output.
close_pageMakes necessary preparation of the device after page has been rendered.
update_page_parametersUpdates page parameters from other multi-paged device.

See Also