PageAPI class
]PageAPI class
The Page element modification API.
The PageAPI type exposes the following members:
Name | Description |
utils | Gets the object that provides utilities beyond the formal XPS manipulation API. |
total_page_count | Returns the total number of pages in all documents inside XPS document. |
page_count | Returns the number of pages in the active document. |
height | Returns/sets the height of the page, expressed as a real number in units of the effective coordinate space. |
width | Returns/sets the width of the page, expressed as a real number in units of the effective coordinate space. |
Name | Description |
add_canvas(canvas) | Adds a canvas. |
add_canvas() | Adds a canvas. |
add_path(path) | Adds a path element. |
add_path(data) | Adds a new path to the page. |
add_glyphs(glyphs) | Adds a glyphs element. |
add_glyphs(font_family, font_rendering_em_size, font_style, origin_x, origin_y, unicode_string) | Adds new glyphs to the page. |
add_glyphs(font, font_rendering_em_size, origin_x, origin_y, unicode_string) | Adds new glyphs to the page. |
create_glyphs(font_family, font_rendering_em_size, font_style, origin_x, origin_y, unicode_string) | Creates new glyphs. |
create_glyphs(font, font_rendering_em_size, origin_x, origin_y, unicode_string) | Creates new glyphs. |
insert_glyphs(index, font_family, font_size, font_style, origin_x, origin_y, unicode_string) | Inserts new glyphs to the page at |
insert_glyphs(index, font, font_size, origin_x, origin_y, unicode_string) | Inserts new glyphs to the page at |
create_path_geometry(abbreviated_geometry) | Creates a new path geometry specified with abbreviated form. |
create_path_geometry() | Creates a new path geometry specified with abbreviated form. |
create_path_geometry(path_figures) | None |
create_path_figure(start_point, is_closed) | Creates a new path figure. |
create_path_figure(start_point, segments, is_closed) | None |
create_solid_color_brush(color) | Creates a new solid color brush. |
create_solid_color_brush(color) | Creates a new solid color brush. |
create_gradient_stop(color, offset) | Creates a new gradient stop. |
create_gradient_stop(color, offset) | Creates a new gradient stop. |
create_linear_gradient_brush(gradient_stops, start_point, end_point) | None |
create_linear_gradient_brush(start_point, end_point) | Creates a new linear gradient brush. |
create_radial_gradient_brush(gradient_stops, center, gradient_origin, radius_x, radius_y) | None |
create_radial_gradient_brush(center, gradient_origin, radius_x, radius_y) | Creates a new radial gradient brush. |
create_image_brush(image, viewbox, viewport) | Creates a new image brush. |
create_image_brush(image_path, viewbox, viewport) | Creates a new image brush. |
create_color(color) | Creates a new color. |
create_color(a, r, g, b) | Creates a new color in sRGB color space. |
create_color(r, g, b) | Creates a new color in sRGB color space. |
create_color(a, r, g, b) | Creates a new color in scRGB color space. |
create_color(r, g, b) | Creates a new color in scRGB color space. |
create_color(path, components) | Creates a new color in ICC based color space. |
create_color(icc_profile, components) | Creates a new color in ICC based color space. |
remove_at(index) | Removes an element at |
create_canvas() | Creates a new canvas. |
insert_canvas(index) | Inserts a new canvas to the page at |
create_path(data) | Creates a new path. |
insert_path(index, data) | Inserts a new path to the page at |
create_matrix(m11, m12, m21, m22, m31, m32) | Creates a new affine transformation matrix. |
create_arc_segment(point, size, rotation_angle, is_large_arc, sweep_direction, is_stroked) | Creates a new elliptical arc segment. |
create_poly_line_segment(points, is_stroked) | Creates a new polygonal drawing containing an arbitrary number of individual vertices. |
create_poly_bezier_segment(points, is_stroked) | Creates a new set of cubic Bézier curves. |
create_poly_quadratic_bezier_segment(points, is_stroked) | Creates a new set of quadratic Bézier curves from the previous point in the path figure through a set of vertices, using specified control points. |
create_visual_brush(element, viewbox, viewport) | Creates a new visual brush. |
add_outline_entry(description, outline_level, target_page_number) | Adds an outline entry to the document. |
See Also
- module
- package