PdfDevice class

PdfDevice class

Class incapsulating image composing device.

Inheritance: PdfDeviceDevice

The PdfDevice type exposes the following members:


initCreates the new instance.
initCreates the new instance with specified media size.


creatorReturns or specifies creator of resulting device output.
sizeGets/sets the device media size.
is_direct_rgbIndicates whether device uses direct RGB mode, that is RGB.
backgroundGets/sets the background color.
opacityGets/sets the opacity.
strokeGets/sets the stroke for drawing paths.
paintGets/sets the brush for filling paths.
opacity_maskGets/sets the brush for opacity mask. The mask applies over Paint or Strike.
char_tmReturns or specifies current characters transform.
text_rendering_modeReturns or specifies current text rendering mode.
text_stroke_widthReturns or specifies current text stroke width.
versionCurrent device version.
current_page_numberReturns the absolute number of the current page withint the document.
current_relative_page_numberReturns the number of the current page within the current partititon.


rotateApplies a clockwise rotation about the origin to the current transformation matrix.
rotateRotate the current transformation matrix around a point.
draw_polylineDraws a polyline.
draw_polylineDraws a polyline.
draw_polygonDraws a polygon.
draw_polygonDraws a poligone.
fill_polygonFills a poligone.
fill_polygonFills a poligone.
open_pageStarts a new page with the specifies title.
open_pageStarts a new page with the specified width and height.
set_hyperlink_targetSets the hyperlink with an external URI as its target.
set_hyperlink_targetSets the hyperlink with a page number as its target.
add_outlineAdds an outline item with the last object as its target.
add_outlineAdds an outline item with the origin point as its target.
re_newSets the devices to the initial state.
get_propertyGets a value of string property.
get_property_colorGets a value of color property.
get_property_rectangleGets a value of rectangle property.
get_property_marginsGets a value of margin property.
get_property_sizeGets a value of size property.
get_property_intGets a value of integer property.
get_property_doubleGets a value of double property.
is_propertyGets a value of boolean property.
createCreates a new instance of the device based on this device instance.
Writes this device graphics state, i.e. creates ApsCanvas instance(s)
with corresponding RenderTransform and Clip properties.
set_transformSets the current transformation matrix.
get_transformReturns the current transformation matrix.
transformMultiplies the current transformation matrix by the specified Matrix.
translateApplies the specified translation vector to the current transformation matrix.
scaleApplies the specified scale vector to the current transformation matrix.
shearApplies the specified shear vector to the current transformation matrix.
init_clipInitializes clip of the device.
set_clipAdds the specified path to the current clip path.
drawDraws the specified path.
fillFills the specified path.
draw_stringDraws a string at the specified position.
draw_imageDraws an image with assigned transform and background.
start_documentStarts the document.
end_documentAccomplishes the document.
disposeDisposes this device instance. Finalizes this device instance graphics state,
i.e. switches APS composing context to the ApsCanvas of the level higher then this
device’s graphics state ApsCanvas.
resetResets the device.
write_commentWrites a comment.
draw_arcDraws an arc.
draw_lineDraws a line segment.
draw_ovalDraws an oval.
draw_rectDraws a rectangle.
draw_round_rectDraws a round rectangle.
fill_arcFills an arc.
fill_ovalFills an oval.
fill_rectFills a rectangle.
fill_round_rectFills a round rectangle.
init_page_numbersInitializes numbers of pages to output.
close_pageAccomplishes the page.
update_page_parametersUpdates the current page parameters.
open_partitionStarts a new document partition.
close_partitionAccomplished the document partition.

See Also