PdfSaveOptions class

PdfSaveOptions class

Class for XPS-as-PDF saving options.

Inheritance: PdfSaveOptionsSaveOptions

The PdfSaveOptions type exposes the following members:


initCreates new instance of options.


supress_errorsSpecifies whether errors must be suppressed or not.
If true suppressed errors are added to SaveOptions.Exceptions list.
If false the first error will terminate the program.
debugSpecifies whether debug information must be printed to standard output stream or not.
additional_fonts_foldersSpecifies additional folders where converter should find fonts for input document.
Default folder are standard fonts folder where OS finds fonts for internal needs.
jpeg_quality_levelThe Quality category specifies the level of compression for an image.
Available values are 0 to 100.
The lower the number specified, the higher the compression and therefore the lower the quality of the image.
0 value results in lowest quality image, while 100 results in highest.
page_numbersGets/sets the array of numbers of pages to convert.
outline_tree_heightSpecifies the height of the document outline tree to save.
0 - the outline tree will not be converted,
1 - only the first level outline items will be converted,
ans so on.
Default is 10.
outline_tree_expansion_levelSpecifies up to what level the document outline should be expanded when the PDF file is opened in a viewer.
1 - only the first level outline items are shown,
2 - only the first and second level outline items are shown,
and so on.
Default is 1.
text_compressionSpecifies compression type to be used for all content streams except images.
Default is PdfTextCompression.FLATE.
image_compressionSpecifies compression type to be used for all images in the document.
Default is PdfImageCompression.AUTO.
encryption_detailsGets or sets a encryption details. If not set, then no encryption will be performed.

See Also