XpsTilingBrush class

XpsTilingBrush class

Class incapsulating common features of tiling brushes elements (VisualBrush and ImageBrush).

Inheritance: XpsTilingBrushXpsTransformableBrushXpsBrushXpsObject

The XpsTilingBrush type exposes the following members:


opacityReturns/sets value defining the uniform transparency of the brush fill.
transformReturns/sets the matrix transformation applied to the coordinate space of the brush.
The Transform property is concatenated with the current effective render transform
to yield an effective render transform local to the brush. The viewport for the brush
is transformed using the local effective render transform.
viewboxReturns/sets the region of the source content of the brush that is to be mapped to the viewport.
viewportReturns/sets the position and dimensions of the first brush tile. Subsequent tiles are positioned
relative to this tile, as specified by the tile mode.
tile_modeReturns/sets value specifying how tiling is performed in the filled geometry.

See Also