Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::HtmlDiffOutputGenerator class
]HtmlDiffOutputGenerator class
Represents a class for generating html representation of texts differences. Deleted line breaks are indicated by paragraph mark.
class HtmlDiffOutputGenerator : public Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::IStringOutputGenerator,
public Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator::IFileOutputGenerator
Method | Description |
GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation>>>) override | Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. |
GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation>>>, System::String) override | Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. |
GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation>>>>>) override | Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. |
GenerateOutput(System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::Diff::DiffOperation>>>>>, System::String) override | Generates the output based on the differences between texts and saves it to a file. |
get_DeleteStyle() const | Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Delete operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; |
get_EqualStyle() const | Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Equal operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; |
get_InsertStyle() const | Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Insert operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; |
get_StrikethroughDeleted() const | Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is False. |
HtmlDiffOutputGenerator() | Creates an instance of HtmlDiffOutputGenerator class. |
HtmlDiffOutputGenerator(System::SharedPtr<OutputTextStyle>) | Creates an instance of HtmlDiffOutputGenerator class. |
set_DeleteStyle(System::String) | Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Delete operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; |
set_EqualStyle(System::String) | Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Equal operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; |
set_InsertStyle(System::String) | Gets and sets the CSS-style string for Insert operation. Example: color: #003300; background-color: #ccff66; |
set_StrikethroughDeleted(bool) | Get or set text-decoration: line-through style for the delete operation. Default value is False. |
See Also
- Class IStringOutputGenerator
- Class IFileOutputGenerator
- Namespace Aspose::Pdf::Comparison::OutputGenerator
- Library Aspose.PDF for C++